The online racing simulator
Inspired by highsiders miniture pitcures, I thought I would have a go at it.
This is the first try at it; I don't like it that much, but a different angle probably would make it easier to look like a model.
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A simple edit made because I was in need of a wallpaper. Critique is welcome.
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Quote from ORION :Imo the lighting in the 15 minutes pic looks way better than in the 20h one... wtf did you do in those 20 hours?! I dont like it at all, the car is way too dark and it just doesnt fit AT ALL

my words.. if that took you 20hours.. jeez.. how long would it take you to make something that actually looked really good.. not just medicore!
Got another quick one here.
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macro type r smalelr.jpg
much better than your last, but you need to pick more.. visually pleasing places, places.. less boring

(with more stuff around than just grass)
@ DTrott
Try to use Lens Blur, i used a amount of ~45.

Two quickies.
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Quote from XCNuse :much better than your last, but you need to pick more.. visually pleasing places, places.. less boring

(with more stuff around than just grass)

I was just testing it out really.

It works better with real photos. Un-related to LFS but heres one I quickly did yesterday.
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macro rig.jpg
rofl it looks like its an extreeeeemely detailed part that goes on a train set
that looks real
Yea, because it's a real picture...
Quote from Phill :my words.. if that took you 20hours.. jeez.. how long would it take you to make something that actually looked really good.. not just medicore!

If you can't tell why the 20H one is better, you need your eyes checking. He totally rebrushed over the car, which looks 100% better IMO.
Right, before everyone jumps on the bandwagon screaming how great these miniature edits look, I'd like to point out that in my opinion there is still a lot to improve on the miniature pictures. The topic we are talking about is generally known as Tilt Shift Photography which can be used for making miniature look alike picture.

I googled for a quick tutorial, and this one seems ok. The pictures that were posted here before I think suffer from a very sharp line between the heavily blurred area and the non blurred part. I think there should be a slight and smoother transition, as well as a tiny bit less blur.

You may want to look here, and see a lot of great examples of real life pictures. You can see that the blur does not have to be always so uber heavy, as well as it doesn't always have to be on top/bottom at same time.

Anyway, my 0.02$, I think it's worth checking the links, and try and improve those edits a bit.
Quote from mcintyrej :If you can't tell why the 20H one is better, you need your eyes checking. He totally rebrushed over the car, which looks 100% better IMO.

well for one I don't think it's either 1.realistic 2. natural 3.intriguing in a surreal way. I guess in those 20 hours, he spent 19 going back and forth not knowing what exactly he is doing and what he wants.
Quote from pdanev :Right, before everyone jumps on the bandwagon screaming how great these miniature edits look, I'd like to point out that in my opinion there is still a lot to improve on the miniature pictures. The topic we are talking about is generally known as Tilt Shift Photography which can be used for making miniature look alike picture.

I googled for a quick tutorial, and this one seems ok. The pictures that were posted here before I think suffer from a very sharp line between the heavily blurred area and the non blurred part. I think there should be a slight and smoother transition, as well as a tiny bit less blur.

You may want to look here, and see a lot of great examples of real life pictures. You can see that the blur does not have to be always so uber heavy, as well as it doesn't always have to be on top/bottom at same time.

Anyway, my 0.02$, I think it's worth checking the links, and try and improve those edits a bit.

Really nice tutorials, this image is just soo cool if the car in the distance wasn't breaking it would easily look like its all just a miniature toy... great stuff. Will play around with it at somepoint...
Quote from Madman_CZ :Really nice tutorials, this image is just soo cool if the car in the distance wasn't breaking it would easily look like its all just a miniature toy... great stuff. Will play around with it at somepoint...

This is a miniature toy.
The Picture is form Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg wich is the world's largest model railroad layout. Clicky.
Quote from Highsider9 :This is a miniature toy.
The Picture is form Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg wich is the world's largest model railroad layout. Clicky.

Whoah!... see the illusion was working though lol!
The beetle and the police bike gives it away quite quickly...

something i did in Photoshop. fully rebrushed the XRT, but i never got to finish it sadly.
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Quote from JJ72 :I guess in those 20 hours, he spent 19 going back and forth not knowing what exactly he is doing and what he wants.

I'm PS noob, and im just learning. I had been known what i wanted to do. It is not easy to brush new reflections on car, when u have never try this it before. Thats why it took so many houers.

By the way, i have never read any tutorial about this.
Quote from pdanev :Right, before everyone jumps on the bandwagon screaming how great these miniature edits look, I'd like to point out that in my opinion there is still a lot to improve on the miniature pictures. The topic we are talking about is generally known as Tilt Shift Photography which can be used for making miniature look alike picture.

I googled for a quick tutorial, and this one seems ok. The pictures that were posted here before I think suffer from a very sharp line between the heavily blurred area and the non blurred part. I think there should be a slight and smoother transition, as well as a tiny bit less blur.

You may want to look here, and see a lot of great examples of real life pictures. You can see that the blur does not have to be always so uber heavy, as well as it doesn't always have to be on top/bottom at same time.

Anyway, my 0.02$, I think it's worth checking the links, and try and improve those edits a bit.

It's really easy with real pictures but the screenshots in LFS are too sharp. Works very well with real photos.
I couldn't resist giving it a go

btw, third and fourth pics are normal pics, not miniatures
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spyker closeup.jpg
2nd one is really nice.
BF1 shots don't work so great I think, but the 1st two especially the second one, are pretty cool!
That's really good. I wish I could get anti-aliasing on my PC.
Just a quickie to get back in my groove. You guys should check out my GT4 gallery on GT4. Especially check out the last few updates in the gallery as they include some cool things i'd like to do with pictures here. And does anybody else think we should have personal galleries like on GTP? Maybe someone said it but I'm too lazy to search. ... 80424&highlight=Joint
Yes, my nickname used to be G.Boss.
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LFS 2007-04-18 21-33-11-15.jpg

Edited pics
(14106 posts, started )