The online racing simulator
XRG/XRT/XRR LED Light set + interior
The tail light layout is from the aLexusPro's light set which I have been used for a long time, I really love it. Now I have made a LED version, yes!! all lights are LED now

Besides that I have also modifed the interior, solve the color mismatch for the middle panel, and remove the CD players etc, which dont suppose to be appeared in a racy car. BTW, I can do a version with the orginal interior if somebody wants it ^^

Click on the pic and see if you guys like it or not ;p
The RAR archive contains both the "" and ""

Light set for patch Z is in post 29
or use this link: ... id=69122&d=1224953578
Attached images
Attached files
XR_LED_lights_by_Kancel.rar - 318.1 KB - 5034 views
I love it aswell finally updated my xrt interior thanks.
Realy nice tanks for this
No bad!
put them into "../LFS S2/data/dds"
btw, thx u guys for ur thumbs ^.^
looks nice
Thanks for the share
I use this on my XR GT Turbo and it not works, and i am demo racer.
You should overwrite the orginal "" and "" file in the data/dds folder, it will work if u have done that
can you make it a zip or someone pleeease
#10 - Jakg
thanks jakg
I like them alot. They are very bright, excellent for racing!
nvm... i got it
Thats Awesome Thx ..
Quote from haha360 :nice

whats the matter of everyone searching up veeeery old threads and just bump it with a word?
Works with Z? I like it.
Would someone mind posting a .zip file? I'm too frugal for Winrar right now and my trial expired
Winrar doesn't expire. It nags you, but it still works.
Quote from Nick. :Would someone mind posting a .zip file? I'm too frugal for Winrar right now and my trial expired

get Zzip instead.
These lights are awesome!!! wish i could make something like that! There is only one thing that I would try to fix, that's the Reverse Lights (Which don't matter anyway) but overall I give this one a 5 out of 5!
stop bumping old threads ffs!!!!!!!
Quote from Kancel :The tail light layout is from the aLexusPro's light set which I have been used for a long time, I really love it. Now I have made a LED version, yes!! all lights are LED now

Besides that I have also modifed the interior, solve the color mismatch for the middle panel, and remove the CD players etc, which dont suppose to be appeared in a racy car. BTW, I can do a version with the orginal interior if somebody wants it ^^

Click on the pic and see if you guys like it or not ;p
The RAR archive contains both the "" and ""

edit: not sure if this work well in patch Z, so REMEMBER to BACKUP

u say its for XRG and you used the XRG turbo or r they the same car? lol u can tell im a demo racer.
Quote from J03130 :u say its for XRG and you used the XRG turbo or r they the same car? lol u can tell im a demo racer.

The only difference between the XRG and the XRT is that the XRT has a spoiler and a turbo!