The tail light layout is from the aLexusPro's light set which I have been used for a long time, I really love it. Now I have made a LED version, yes!! all lights are LED now
Besides that I have also modifed the interior, solve the color mismatch for the middle panel, and remove the CD players etc, which dont suppose to be appeared in a racy car. BTW, I can do a version with the orginal interior if somebody wants it ^^
Click on the pic and see if you guys like it or not ;p
The RAR archive contains both the "" and ""
Light set for patch Z is in post 29
or use this link: ... id=69122&d=1224953578

Besides that I have also modifed the interior, solve the color mismatch for the middle panel, and remove the CD players etc, which dont suppose to be appeared in a racy car. BTW, I can do a version with the orginal interior if somebody wants it ^^
Click on the pic and see if you guys like it or not ;p
The RAR archive contains both the "" and ""
Light set for patch Z is in post 29

or use this link: ... id=69122&d=1224953578