You are complicating again .

1. You don't need any port forwarding. All insim stuff works with local connection on same machine as server.
2. InSim port is NOT the same thing as game port ! It must be different. Leave game port as it is, just use different insim one (i recommend /insim 29999 so you don't have to change cfg)
3. LFS said that it cannot bind the port, because you wanted to use the same one for insim which was already used for game !
4. The error you got (connected closed ...) simply means LFSLapper could not connect to port you specified, which means either you didn't start LFS server yet, or LFS Server's insim port on LFS was not open for listening.
5. Yes those files are for coders only.. readme.txt is for users.

Installing and running LFSLapper is very easy actually, usually people just need to change password in cfg file, and then they just run StartNetDefault (or sth like that).
Quote from scoobyrbac :Anyone got the LFSlapper.cfg file that dont look liek this they would want to share? Just change the password if so...

Lol, how did you get that one. Try opening it with wordpad instead.
it was in my .zip file i downloaded....
yeah. that happens sometimes with notepad scooby.

Just open it in Wordpad instead. it will be fine then
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :You are complicating again .

1. You don't need any port forwarding. All insim stuff works with local connection on same machine as server.
2. InSim port is NOT the same thing as game port ! It must be different. Leave game port as it is, just use different insim one (i recommend /insim 29999 so you don't have to change cfg)
3. LFS said that it cannot bind the port, because you wanted to use the same one for insim which was already used for game !
4. The error you got (connected closed ...) simply means LFSLapper could not connect to port you specified, which means either you didn't start LFS server yet, or LFS Server's insim port on LFS was not open for listening.
5. Yes those files are for coders only.. readme.txt is for users.

Installing and running LFSLapper is very easy actually, usually people just need to change password in cfg file, and then they just run StartNetDefault (or sth like that).

Hi; Thanks for help

1. Okies... ta... I just setup the port forwarding when I setup the game one when I got it.

2 &3. My game port and insim port are diffnt. Game port is: 63392, and Insim port is :29339. I tried using 29999 but it didn't make any difference. (Yes I changed it in both server config, and lfslapper config. I still get the same InSim Init bind failed msg. I'm using Dedigui to run the server.

4. Both the server; and LFS were loaded; and operating nicely. I tried it with server operating, then running LFSlapper; then LFS. I tried it with server and lfs running b4 running lfslapper. None of them seem to change anything. Given the Insim port setup is correct (which it is); what can be causing this problem? It should work.

5. Ah thought so... cool

The other point is: Why do you think its not finding the DriftPB.txt and PB.txt? They are there, in the database folder as specified in the cfg. Do you think this line has any effect?

Database = LFSLapper\Database\PB.txt etc (same for driftpb) should it be:

Database = c:\games\live for speed s2\lfslapper\database\pb.txt ??? (I didn't think so; because it seemed more to be defining what is in the DB, rather than where it is (which is defined later in script).

Yes I gathered it was rather simple; which is why I don't understand why I'm having these problems. The only real problem I had setting up, was finding out which of the build methods to use.

Thanks Monk

AFAIK Dedigui uses insim too. Maybe uses port 29999, so you cant bind to it ?
You can see which application is using which port, if you type in command line:
netstat -ab

(Also, you can not run more insim applications at the same time, unless using some sort of packet duplicator and redirector; maybe you should try to start LFSLapper without Dedigui, so you can see if this is the problem)
O, and if your dedicated server has external IP, you may have to change host ip in cfg of LFSLapper from to that external IP...
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :AFAIK Dedigui uses insim too. Maybe uses port 29999, so you cant bind to it ?
You can see which application is using which port, if you type in command line:
netstat -ab

Hmm. Usually, after I've started the server with Dedgui; I close it. There's no need for it to run after server is going. I'm using 29339 for the port. Its setup that way for my router, for my server; and for LFSLapper. As for Netstat. Well; thats a little confusing. Here's the results. ... 0speed%20pics/netstat.txt

I'm sure you can make better sense from this than I can. I ported netstats results to a text file for you. When this was done; the server was running; I was in my car in the server; Dedigui was closed, I ran LFSLapper during the netstat run (which lasted about 15 seconds - there was ample time for it to detect anything from LFSLapper).

Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :
(Also, you can not run more insim applications at the same time, unless using some sort of packet duplicator and redirector; maybe you should try to start LFSLapper without Dedigui, so you can see if this is the problem)
O, and if your dedicated server has external IP, you may have to change host ip in cfg of LFSLapper from to that external IP...

Yes I realise that. I don't have any other insim applications going at the same time; UNLESS; you call the dedicated server and my copy of LFS (for me to join my server) two diff insim apps? Dedigui is never running while my server runs. Its just used to start it. Well; I did as you suggested with the IP; for the first time; LFSLapper tried to access the net. I had to give it permission in my firewall (which I did). However; I still had exactly the same result from LFSLapper.

To run it; I'm running netstartdefault.bat (with my cfg file instead of the lfslapper one), I also put my cfg in the bin folder. Doesnt seem to matter where I put it; I get the same result.

Also; I'm still getting the can't find the pb.txt etc problem. lol

Am I becoming a headache yet? lol I know its giving me one lol hehe

I have some strange problems with this great Add-on.

I use it on a Windows 2003 Server SP1 with 1.1 and 2.0 framework installed, and the LFS Dedicated Server. LFS Server works like a charm, but LFS wont...

It will work, for like 1-2 minutes, then it crasches. So I got SysInternals Filemon installed, and I discovered that LFSLapper gets a "Buffer Overflow" and after that its stops working. A quick restart of LFSLapper and it works again, until next overflow.

This happends regardless if someone is online racing or server is just idling.

I run LFSLapper as an administrator, so permissions shouldnt be a problem.
Quote from Yoddix :
It will work, for like 1-2 minutes, then it crasches. So I got SysInternals Filemon installed, and I discovered that LFSLapper gets a "Buffer Overflow" and after that its stops working. A quick restart of LFSLapper and it works again, until next overflow.

Buffer overflow in dot net ? :eek:
Can you send exact text of error or dump or print screen ?
Using version from my page or different one ?
Quote from Venus :
IP; for the first time; LFSLapper tried to access the net. I had to give it permission in my firewall (which I did). However; I still had exactly the same result from LFSLapper.

Doesn't that happen only when you access net outside of your subnet ? Strange. Can you also print out the output of ipconfig /all
From the output of your netstat I see this:

TCP platosca-v4td37:1822 platosca-v4td37:63392 ESTABLISHED 1468

TCP platosca-v4td37:1824 ESTABLISHED 3172

TCP platosca-v4td37:63392 platosca-v4td37:1822 ESTABLISHED 3172

UDP platosca-v4td37:1823 *:* 1468

[COLOR=SeaGreen] UDP platosca-v4td37:29339 *:* 3172
[COLOR=Blue] UDP platosca-v4td37:63392 *:* 3172

Blue one is probably game server port, while green one is insim listening port ? (in setup.cfg of dedicated host you have /insim=29339). You can try this order:

run lfs dedicated server with insim on 29339
run lfslapper (port in cfg = 29339 , host in cfg = ip of the server machine)
if lfslapper runs, run lfs client

You can contact me via msn or googletalk to solve this. If you have vnc server I can even config it for you online
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :Buffer overflow in dot net ? :eek:
Can you send exact text of error or dump or print screen ?
Using version from my page or different one ?

Yeah, in .net!

I downloaded it from your page in first post. When will pb.txt/driftpb.txt be created? After player makes first split? First lap? Or start of LFSLapper? They never appear here...

Not sure this is what you want..

I now tried hosting on my laptop, WinXP SP2. Same problem?! Is it my regional settings? Both server/laptop are using swedish as default language.

EDIT: Works now, I tinkerd to much with my InSim-settings, ignore my posts *ashamed*.
Attached images
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :
run lfs dedicated server with insim on 29339
run lfslapper (port in cfg = 29339 , host in cfg = ip of the server machine)
if lfslapper runs, run lfs client

You can contact me via msn or googletalk to solve this. If you have vnc server I can even config it for you online

Well, I don't know why. But it works. Its exactly what I was doing before lol. But thanks heaps Monks. YAY IT WORKS!!!!

You've been real help, thanks

(MonkOnHotTinRoof) DELETED by MonkOnHotTinRoof
(MonkOnHotTinRoof) DELETED by MonkOnHotTinRoof
im getting this error and then the window closes out....
I got it nevermind!

why is this saying InSimInit : port 0 ???
although the lapper works, my setup.cfg of the server is configured with
Quote :// optional: InSim port

and it prints the points and the messages in game, but why is that port saying 0???
A little problem
I hosted a server with LFSlapper and the drift score works fine. But when i try to write commands i get nothing. What is the prob?
Quote from ArSk4 :I hosted a server with LFSlapper and the drift score works fine. But when i try to write commands i get nothing. What is the prob?

Make sure you're running the latest version 3.8 if you have a host running test patch V3+.
Quote from MonStarr :

why is this saying InSimInit : port 0 ???
although the lapper works, my setup.cfg of the server is configured with

and it prints the points and the messages in game, but why is that port saying 0???

That's fine and working. Not sure exactly what the port 0, its probbaly lfs local connection.
Quote from Davo :That's fine and working. Not sure exactly what the port 0, its probbaly lfs local connection.

Oh! That's great to hear, thanks! I guess I haven't noticed it earlier.
Quote from MonStarr :
and it prints the points and the messages in game, but why is that port saying 0???

This message from LFS host means LFS will send packets to insim application via same port that is used to send packets from insim app to LFS. It's normal for LFSLapper, nothing to worry about .
lfs lapper is good
but i have a problem

i use these codes

AutoMsgPrivate =
****:shit|^3Calm down, {Nickname}!|=
^3!top ^8[table offset] [3-letter car name] ["filter" pattern]:=
^3!drf ^8[table offset] [3-letter car name] ["filter" pattern]:=
^3!stats ^8[playername pattern]:=
^3!dstats ^8[playername pattern]:=


AutoMsgPrivate =
!top ^8[table offset] [3-letter car name] ["filter" pattern]:
^3!drf ^8[table offset] [3-letter car name] ["filter" pattern]:
^3!stats ^8[playername pattern]:
^3!dstats ^8[playername pattern]:

only !stats and !dstats work. what is wrong other commands?

edit now top list working if use !top XRT but !help and !drf dont work

Further to my previous post here regarding the message that says 'Could not find connection 1's client info', I think I now have the answer to why this happened...

When I updated lapper to 3.8, I didn´t delete the PB file, which was from a much older version of the lapper, and the times in PB.txt did not have a ´licence name´ stored in each record, I suspect that this message came from the lapper trying to find this name in the PB file, and not being able to parse it correctly because it was an older version.

I expect this has nothing to do with dedicated servers or otherwise, anyone else finding this post by searching for the error message, should be able to fix it by renaming or deleting the existing PB.txt file so that the lapper can create a new one and start again...
Hi all!
I've created a PHP script to list PB.txt generated by the LFSLapper, readme attached.
And one more usefull thing, a small programs, witch converts your old Lapper's(3.7 or earlier) PB.txt to the new format. Because the name of the cars have changed.
Have fun!
Attached files - 3.4 KB - 273 views
LapperConverter.rar - 167.4 KB - 258 views
Specify users to execute action

I'm currently setting up LFSLapper, and would like to specify admins to use !hi greeting.

!hi|/msg {Nickname} ^7welcomes you to ^6Team ^7Scream!:/rcm Welcome to ^6Team ^7Scream^8!:/rcm_all |

I wonder if there is a possibility to specify admins only? This is what LFSLapper says:

# Use @ sign at end of patterns, if you wish to specify users, that are allowed to execute action.

So it would be like

!hi@AllAdmins?|/msg blabla?

Or isn't it possible, and do I have to specify all usernames?

!hi@vincper,vincper2,cougar|/msg blabla
As the date in a message is put?

I want to put: today it is...

Thanks in advance

LFSLapper - Another Insim Mod
(616 posts, started )