Poll : How do you dress your feet when using pedals?

Need to wear socks, nothing else!
Bare naked feet, baby!
Doesnt really matter to me
Socks or sneakers, can deal with either
Sneakers ONLY
I'm weird, i use racing boots...
Poll: Do your feet get dressed to go racing too?
Well i came home today after wearing flip-flops all day, and went on to go race some lfs with bare feet, not even thinking about it. As soon as i touched the pedals with my bare feet, i looked down and went ... for some odd reason, i NEED to wear socks and only socks when i race with the wheel and pedals.

So i was just wondering, whats your preference?
I take my shoes off so yeah, only because shoes + petals = unconfortable for me fuzzy socks ftw
#4 - Mykl
I'm the same way... I need socks.
I do have a pair of racing boots but i haven't tried them. I don't think they'll have the same effect as in a car/kart as the pedals from my DFP are a lot lighter (easier to push down) than on my kart.

And, I always wear socks when racing. Trainers are just too big and bare feet just feels weird
No option for fishnet stockings, I see. Fine!

/me leaves in a huff
Need to wear socks, nothing else!, If I dont use them, I can't feel the pedals and You know I brake to soon or acelerate more than enought..
Have to wear socks, otherwise my feet slip off the pedals.

Can't say I've tried with my shoes on. Formula Force EX pedals seem to flimsy to put too much weight on them.
I use socks. but I sometimes race in slippers in Citydriving servers. I can't race very well becuase the slippers are too big for the pedals and its kina hard to shift around on the pedals. I have tried bare feet but my toes get stuck everywhere around the pedals
Socks. If I wear shoes, the DFP pedals are hard to read, feel wise.
Socks. I want to get in the habit of shoes though. I think it will help the transition between LFS and real car. I can heel/toe easy with socks, but with bare feet i either pinch a toe, or stick to the pedals.
I've always worn socks with computer sim racing. My PC is in the basement and I came back upstairs a few nights ago. The wife was surprised to see me, LOL. She asked what was wrong. I had to change my socks. She had bought me a new package of socks that I had put a pair on that morning, and they were too slippery on the pedals, LOL.

So, socks it is, but they must be a bit worn in
#13 - ev0
I wear socks, because the g25 pedals can get pretty cold! and the socks help my feet to slide slightly on the pedals. I have never tried with shoes on, purely because that would wear the pedals more.
Socks, or if I can't be arsed to put them on, barefoot.
#15 - Nine
Socks and SHORTS, I've played with jeans on and my jeans aren't floods and the interfere with the whole foot to pedal contact and I've learned stick to shorts and socks, FTW.
I always wear shoes, especially since getting a G25. The stiffer springs and metal pedals almost mandate wearing shoes. I also am very picky about the shoes that I wear. My Adidas "sorta-driving-shoes" would be perfect, except that the pedals on the G25 are so far apart. So, I wear a pair of well used Nikes with very thin soles. I can feel pretty well what the pedals are doing, but they're still wide enough that I can heel/toe fairly easily.
#17 - SamH
Socks, here. I have to wear Nike or Adidas ones if I want to win a race, though. I have some Umbro ones, and they're okay for endurance races, too. Obviously the black socks I wear with my suit just aren't fast enough, so they're not an option.

Shorts FTW, but I wear shorts 52 weeks in the year.. even when it snows! I'm notorious for it
Socks and boxers FTW.

Maybe fishnets if I was manly enough to buy them.
legwarmers and a miniskirt ftw!
What an interesting topic!

Barefoot or socks, definitely never shoes
Don't get me wrong, I wear socks as well as fishnets. Just not on my feet.

Gotta protect my manicure!
Hankstar, where do you get your nails done at?

Oh god, I think this is going the way of the dodo again, so I'm gonna stop posting :P
#24 - Goop
I drive with bear feet. Works really well for me, but boy does the bear get pissed.
Aw, Goop!
That joke's older than Australopithecus afarensis ...