Hahaha, I think I saw you Herki in another series somewhere (EDIT: Ahh it is in one Seven series atm, I mid-season joined to help a noob in a Locost

(WR Opt-out for me though). Also seeing a lot of other LFS'ers.
At the moment I am getting my best results ever in the new Seven series. Should be on the road to getting some championships, because I at least finish in the top 3 with this series, I've got the hang of it (unlike champcar).
The endurance series is great too, but you have to be careful about what class you choose. LMP1 is, of course, expected to be dominated by the Audis, and this is definitely the case with what I've seen from over 4 endurance series I've entered. At the moment all my public slots are filled, I've teamed up with Syxxpacc in a Seven Series and Endurance series, and we are doing quite well at the beginning of those seasons

I'd be up for a private game too, if that is what you want to set up. I think you are better off doing the Seven Series as a private game, it is more like LFS and lots of fun for everyone to get points because of the absence of qualifying and the fact that you jump right into doing a sprint and feature race in two nights. It's a nice quick series.