The online racing simulator
Quote :Races are scheduled to not conflict with any ESL ESCC races, so drivers can do both.

So you're expecting nothing but the best to compete in your professional league?

Ooh look mum safety car en all, ent that special? :jawdrop:

Good luck!
Quote from Rooble :So you're expecting nothing but the best to compete in your professional league?

Ooh look mum safety car en all, ent that special? :jawdrop:

Good luck!

Thanks for you encouragement!

Would you rather LFS be littered with shite, unrealistic leagues.

/Rant mode cancel.
All that is expected of the drivers is that they are clean racers and able be able to lap within 107% of the lead car (not that hard, even i can do it and i'm a complete tool with the bf1)

And safety cars are easy, getting everyone to drive in a line behind another car is pretty basic stuff

Having it not conflict with other leagues is just common sense, way take up space on an already crammed up weekend when theres people willing to race during the week?
just finished some testing and all is well in the ATC house hold
Yep, well, haven't tested with my team mate but judging by our times, we're looking super . Still 3 weeks to go so TONS of time to improve on our present times.
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :...
And safety cars are easy, getting everyone to drive in a line behind another car is pretty basic stuff ...

Or so you would think, but some people are complete noobs behind an SC however the level of competition your expecting should means it'll be fine.
The guys are not expecting WR pace drivers, but I am expecting the rules will be harsh enough to stop people messing about behind a SC.

People shouldn't be scared off by the car either, I had a go and managed to do the race distance with my playstation 2 pad getting consistent 1:20s-1:19s.

I'm hoping when the rules are published it will get a few more teams interested, I can't say what the rules are because I came late into this project as a movie maker to develop the track guides and intros for each broadcast, so I simply don't know what they are. But Mr Toaster has told me they will be out very soon.

But I do know this is an event for everyone who wants to race the bf1, its not just for the guys who race it all the time in the big leagues. Give the car a decent try and you will find it very rewarding.
yeah, qs is right. at the start i found the car very "twitchy" and unresponsive but now it's a solid machine that has this \-------------------------/ much grip
Quote from BenjiMC :Or so you would think, but some people are complete noobs behind an SC however the level of competition your expecting should means it'll be fine.

In the SGPS the rules are clear - don't overtake the safety car, it will pick up the leader. No racing to the line - as soon as you see yellow flag, ease off and get in to an orderly single file line.

I will ensure that the rules are drilled in to the drivers brains enough so I don't have to use the minimum penalty of 45 seconds for any safety car offence.

Being broadcast (and due to the fact that text chat is really bloody annoying), I hope it gets drilled in as well that text chat is automatically a stop-go (Not drivethru, stop-go).

You'll be able to have a gander at the rulebook when it's uploaded. It isn't really longer than certain league's rulebooks (LOTA might as well have written war and peace )
The rules are ready, they will be up as soon as I upload them. I will send all the forms to teams and also upload them. Please could someone from each team add me on MSN.

At some point soonish there will be one or two SGPA purblic events with the BF1. You won't have to be an SGPS driver (pretty much a roll up and race), it's just that it allows people to get used to the sheer horsepower and awsomeness of the BMW Sauber.
Draft regulations published
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :The guys are not expecting WR pace drivers

Well, I'm 1.2 off the WR and ALDI is 1.4 so thats close to WR pace isn't it?
Quote from Leprekaun :Well, I'm 1.2 off the WR and ALDI is 1.4 so thats close to WR pace isn't it?

It is close, but the proof of the pudding is in the race. It's not the longest race in LFS, but even for a half hour race you still need to finish.
#40 - Nobo
I'm not the fastest when it comes down to 1 fast lap, but somehow i regular finish races in high positions

And i know Lep can do those times since i have raced him in some races now.
Well thats the approach to take Aldi, finishing the race is more important than being fast over 1 lap. I'm sure you understood what I meant by not looking for WR pace drivers, consistent times and few mistakes will get you a good race finish no matter how 'close' you are to the WR time.

I'm looking forward to seeing how you do in this series, I think you have potential to place very highly given your consistency and experiance.
GOD! you dont get it!. I was just saying that I'm close to the WR in terms of speed and I can assure you, I can nail mid 1:17s-low 1:18s consistently.
your pb says other things (1:19.29) but that's only online.
Quote from dadge :your pb says other things (1:19.29) but that's only online.

Busted .
Race will tell the fact..
justify from the grid right now.. well.. addoil to my teammate
Well, dadge, I dont think you have even a slither of a chance against me in the BF1. We'll see how you do but I doubt I'll see anything special. I mean, if I beat you in your best car (XFR) in the Challenge Cup, I can't imagine how much better I'll be in MY best car compared to you.
#47 - Nobo
Lets let the race speak not the words
and how much money were you payed for beating me in "my" best car (even tho i have never said that the xfr is my best car,,,,again with the assumptions(just so you don't have to google it lep, i have: "The act of taking for granted, or supposing a thing without proof; supposition; unwarrantable claim." ))and for the people at home, how many points did you beat me by at the end of the season? also do you know why you won? not because of your brilliance but because of my errors. you have to remember lep, in the challenge cup you were good at 2, sorry 3 things, going fast over 1 lap, crashing and bitching about why you crashed.
remember if your going to tell the folks a story, tell them the whole story. maybe this is part of "A concept of driver's etiquette" that you were rambling on about.
i will actually put a fiver on that says you crash out within 10 laps from the start (you will then find someone to blame as usual) and go on a rant about something so petty that nobody will actually care.
and yeah you ROCK in the BF1 and if your gonna go on like a prick then so will i, if you don't believe me, ask your friends......oh aye that's right you shit on every one of them last week. my bad.

seriously guys, is this the kind of guy you want to share a track with? the league hasn't even started and he has already proclaimed that he is going to be the champion. no point entering, we already know who's gonna win it.
Please could all entrants add me on MSN - at some point we would like to organise a pre-season press conference and 1 or 2 videos.
Quote from dadge :and how much money were you payed for beating me in "my" best car (even tho i have never said that the xfr is my best car,,,,again with the assumptions)and for the people at home, how many points did you beat me by at the end of the season?. you have to remember lep, in the challenge cup you were good at 2 things, going fast over 1 lap and crashing. remember if you going to tell the folks a story, tel lthem the whole story. maybe this is part of "A concept of driver's etiquette" that you were rambling on about. i will actually put a fiver on that says you crash out within 10 laps from the start (you will then find someone to blame as usual) and go on a rant about something so petty that nobody will actually care.
and yeah you ROCK in the BF1 and if your gonna go on like a prick then so will i. i think either you or I will be asked to leave this league. (i doubt it will be me because more people think of you act like a child more than i do ) so nah nah nah nah nah nah

Hmm... over 1 lap and crashing. You still proud of that SO Long Rev round? know what, I cant blame you. It was your only chance of beating me so enjoy it. If I kept on crashing and only going fast over 1 lap, how was it that so many times I won the races? . Its one of 2 things, either you're talking bullsh*t or I'm better than you are, I crash but you crash more. Well m8, just the same as in real F1, we can't say anything yet about who'll do well but you know, testing times can "sometimes" mean something.

EDIT: Finished. I won't go into this any further