Hey everybody. I'm confused as to why there is always conflict between drifters and racers. What's the problem?
Personally, I race a lot, and I'm fast; in FOX on BLGP I have the sixth fastest hotlap at 1.07.27, and I could go faster but I'm tired of hotlapping. Also, whenever I join a race that has like fo8s or gtrs, it takes me about one or two races to get on to the leader's pace in any track/car combo. Sometimes it takes longer, but I'm never the guy who joins a server and runs 5-7 seconds slower than the leader for two days.
But then, I also love drifting. I recently joined the Worx team and drifting is a lot of fun. I'd say I'm a little bit worse at drifting than racing, but I'm no spinner.
So I don't get it; I drift and I race, and I do both well so I'm not some n00b talkin as I'm sure many of you will assume, so why is there some conflict between drifters and racers? Who cares!?! Go drive!

But then, I also love drifting. I recently joined the Worx team and drifting is a lot of fun. I'd say I'm a little bit worse at drifting than racing, but I'm no spinner.
So I don't get it; I drift and I race, and I do both well so I'm not some n00b talkin as I'm sure many of you will assume, so why is there some conflict between drifters and racers? Who cares!?! Go drive!