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United States of Jesus.
(93 posts, started )
There is this local saying called 'Wisdom comes with age'. I think that's the case here.
A lot of us have probably grown up with religion at some level. I was taken to church until I was old enough to convince my mother that I didn't want to go anymore, and I endured religious education throughout my school life.

The trouble with this argument is that by default if you criticise another side you are insulting their intelligence. Their is no "opinion", if you're religious it's because you truly believe you are right, so for someone to say you are wrong is to say that you're not clever enough to see that for yourself. This works both ways of course. For years I was looked down on by R.E teachers preaching when they probably shouldn't have been, telling me and my class mates that carbon-dating is wrong and should not be believed, amongst so much else. Argue with a "moderate" like that and there's no winning (or even drawing), "disprove it" they say, "it's in the bible/scriptures", "science is wrong".

I have an utter dislike for every single religion. If there were a god, then to me it's the height of arrogance to presume to speak for him.
It's a medieval population control mechanism that would be seen as total lunacy if it were invented today (Scientology anybody?). Just because something has been around for a while does not make it fact.

I agree with this guy. I don't think it's even an extreme point of view, it's rational.

EDIT: I just don't understand why people have to align themselves to a faith as early as possible in their life. It's like they're so afraid of life, or death, that they just want to lump themselves in with a bunch of others who are destined for the same "fate" as they are, right or wrong. If you have formed a concious belief that god is there, and he's worth worshipping in the slightest, then worship him yourself, if that brings you closer to like minded people then so be it, don't just jump into a flock at the earliest opportunity, you're worshipping their god, not the god you believed in in the first place. /friendly rant, "atheism" doesn't equal extremism.
#53 - JJ72
Wow sinbad I have only heard about that kind of teacher, luckily I never met one.
Religion and politics are the topic of drunkards and fools. I just hope we're all alcoholics

Someone said something about evolution being taught in American schools
being compromised by religious values. I guess they meant all that "intelligent design" stuff.
I don't like evolution being taught in schools either. but for other reasons.
One, the theories of evolution are constantly changing. What is accepted
in one semester can be made totally obsolete in the next semester by new findings.
Two. The quality of teachers that teach science as a whole and how most school districts get their teachers at that level. I read somewhere where like 20% of biology teachers doubted the theory of evolution. But it's a paycheck so that's why they teach it.
Three. and this is the most important reason. The age level of the students being taught this is too young. they don't have the attention power developed yet to fully understand what's being taught. I know of so many people that are my age that laugh and make fun of how stupid people are that believe in evolution, basing this idea on crap they only paid half attention to while half baked in high school.
That's why I object to evolution being taught in schools - I fail to see where anyone learns anything from it.

LOL ...
I know of so many people that are my age that laugh and make fun of how stupid people are that believe in religion, basing this idea on crap they only paid half attention to while half baked in sunday school.

"I am the God of my world", Mickey in Natural Born Killers.

Uh anti-Islamic/anti arab... yeah right, The mayor of Beverly Hills, that bastion of excess of the evil empire, has an Iranian American as Mayor.
IRANIAN???!!!??? (well he is Jewish - still an IRANIAN???)
The first Islamic congressman was sworn in using a Koran that was originally belonged to Thomas Jefferson.
there's some hate crimes here and there, but not nowhere near the extent of what happens in other countries. And I mean western industrialized ones.
no what we have is usually some really stupid teenagers with too much time on their hands. and they're just as likely to vandalize a mail box as a mosque. That's one thing you can say decent about the US, we gotten away from the lynchings and the cross burnings and that sort of crap.
It still happens from time to time, but it is no longer tolerated.
In fact as an American, I was under the belief I was obligated to fight to the death to insure my catholic neighbors and the islamic guy I get gas from can practice their faiths freely. It doesn't matter that I think they worship God funny. They think the same of me. But they're Texans...oops Americans.

But that's nothing, we'll probably have our first undocumented worker for president in about 20 years.

LOL I can visualize this stretch limo with a motorcycle escort pulling up to a convenience store. The back window rolls down and an arm in a suit protrudes out waving two fingers on the hand.....
#55 - JJ72
Science is constantly being updated and changing, evolution (which is not exactly the best term) is one major school of thought, so there's no problem teaching that...if you can't teach something you ain't 100% sure about then there's nothing we can teach. What's wrong with teachers having doubt with evolution? even if they have doubt they still shouldn't take away the chance of their students in approaching and understanding it.
Quote from Racer Y :
I don't like evolution being taught in schools either. but for other reasons.
One, the theories of evolution are constantly changing. What is accepted
in one semester can be made totally obsolete in the next semester by new findings.

Evolutionist ideas aren't changing, they are evolving. Science has always worked that way.

From Wikipedia:

Scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena and acquiring new knowledge, as well as for correcting and integrating previous knowledge. It is based on gathering observable, empirical, measurable evidence, subject to specific principles of reasoning.

And this means science doesn't acknowledge its perfection. Still, it's the best method that suits our nature of observing, reasoning, measuring beings. I'll stick to Dante's words, which came from a darker age:

Consider the seed from which you sprang;
You were not made to live like unto brutes,
But for pursuit of virtue and knowledge
#57 - SamH
Y'all prolly know where I am, on this here topic

Both "One nation, under God" and "In God We Trust" are unconstitutional. If you believe you can argue otherwise, then you either don't know the constitution or you could equally argue that "bananas are in fact kangaroos" with a straight face.

In fact, the mere fact that there are effective religious lobby groups at all, in the US (be they Christian or otherwise) is a clear indicator that the constitution of the United States is NOT being upheld. That's just a broad view looking in. If you look any closer, your eyes begin to bleed.

It all makes me ashamed to have fought alongside the 3rd NY during the Colonial War. What the US has, today, is not what I was fighting for
Quote from Albieg :You come here spitting hatred (as usual) and you talk about disagreement? Get real! Or better, start reading and thinking.

Who am I spitting hatred towards? Guess I must need new glasses, or something.
Quote from wheel4hummer :Who am I spitting hatred towards? Guess I must need new glasses, or something.

I remember perfectly a lot of threads in which you participated, and I'll remember SamH immortal words when you talked about self-hating jews. If you want I can make a short recollection of your deeds. My glasses are extremely fine, and the search function too.

Edit: I think no one should argue about your disruptive nature when talking about politics. It's self evident, as your accusation of being an anti-semite to the author of the video is. Stop spreading political FUD.
#60 - SamH
Steady on chaps, keep smiling please!

We have to remember that our perspectives are tinged by our media exposure.. but there's an opportunity to find a balance in everything. If, at the end of it, we don't agree on something, we don't have to go to war over it. We all agree that THAT's a bad idea, right?
It's not a question of agreement, SamH. I don't care about agreement. You can disagree on anything with me.
I stand by what I said, Sam, but you can always prove me wrong, if you can
Quote from Albieg :Stop spreading political FUD.

Who determines what political "FUD" is? Politics are opinions. Everyone here is just stating their opinion. No-one is right nor wrong. All of the accusations against me appear to be hypocritical. I always get told not to attack anyone, but as usual, I am getting attacked more then I am attacking. In this thread, I have attacked no-one except the guy on youtube. Can we not have a discussion without me being told that I cannot be included in a 'debate' because everyone disagrees with me? Maybe I am just a stupid idiot who's opinion is "wrong." Why should I be allowed to participate in a forum debate, I'm just that stupid kike on the LFS forum.

EDIT: One more thing. If you have noticed, I have matured compared to my past political posts in other threads. In the another thread, I was attacked for my opinion. I got angry, and I started to curse back at the people attacking me. Now I have learned that no matter how much of an **** you are, people will still attack you. So, I no longer personally insult anyone. Even if someone says something that I believe to be totally stupid, personally insulting someone back will not work. I also think that it is ironic how some people have commented that it's because I'm too young to understand or something. Out of curiosity, I would like to see the ages of everyone who posted in this thread. It would be interesting to see just how old everyone else is.
#63 - SamH
Ack.. I'm bagged

In other news, Brett Keane (one of YouTube's famous atheists) is having a revelation.. and is now questioning his atheism. I'm just trying to work out if it's AFTER seeing my video entitled "Atheism is Hate"
Quote from wheel4hummer : Out of curiosity, I would like to see the ages of everyone who posted in this thread. It would be interesting to see just how old everyone else is.

16. How about checking our ages in our profiles?
Quote from Racer Y :<snip>One, the theories of evolution are constantly changing. What is accepted in one semester can be made totally obsolete in the next semester by new findings.

Constantly changing, but not changing on a term to term basis - it's the detail that is being added. Because language is changing over time, should we stop teaching people English? Or because our knowledge of science is growing should we stop teaching science as a whole?

Quote :Two. The quality of teachers that teach science as a whole and how most school districts get their teachers at that level. I read somewhere where like 20% of biology teachers doubted the theory of evolution. But it's a paycheck so that's why they teach it.

That 20% figure cannot be the case in the UK - many biology teachers in the UK would publicly state that they think that creationsim is bull if they weren't banned from doing it by the Christian right wa*kers that unfortunatly both the USA and the UK are infested with.

Quote :Three. and this is the most important reason. The age level of the students being taught this is too young. they don't have the attention power developed yet to fully understand what's being taught. I know of so many people that are my age that laugh and make fun of how stupid people are that believe in evolution, basing this idea on crap they only paid half attention to while half baked in high school.

So by your logic we shouldn't teach people about the composition of the earth as that is 99.9999999999999999999999 (with enough 9s to crash the forum), rather than 100% sure on that, so people can choose to join the flat earth society.

Quote :But that's nothing, we'll probably have our first undocumented worker for president in about 20 years.

The US needs a president from - any - ethnic minority at some point soon. LTIC all of the were WASPs (other than Kennedy) and from rich backgrounds.

And you can check my profile for my age, but it doesn't matter for the purposes of this thread - in fact, brain cells start to die off after 40.
Quote from hrtburnout :There is this local saying called 'Wisdom comes with age'. I think that's the case here.


$hrtburnout_age 16;
if (
$hrtburnout_age $wheel4hummer_age)
$local_saying "Valid";
if (
$hrtburnout_age <= $wheel4hummer_age)
$local_saying "Invalid";


Parsing the whole sentence would help.
Wisdom does not come with age only.
#71 - SamH
My wisdom teeth came at 35.
Sam, stop lying, you still don't have your wisdom teeth.
#73 - SamH
That's because I had them REMOVED. Hmm.. .. perhaps that explains way too much
#74 - SamH
Quote from wheel4hummer :I'm just that stupid kike on the LFS forum.

I just saw this. I can't believe I didn't see it before now.

I'm just going to say this once (unless we get someone REALLY stupid along, in which case it may be necessary to repeat it), this kind of language and behaviour is NOT appreciated here. The victim card is absolutely wasted on ALL of us, Europeans and Australasians. Don't EVEN think about trying to pull that one again. It's inexcusable.
Two things i think should not be brought up in conversation; politics, and religion. Everyone has their own beliefs, thoughts and ideas of what is right and wrong. When people try to explain how or why they feel/think a certain way about politics or religion, you get other people who feel differently about the subject, and try to correct them. Then the argument begins. Most of the time it is because people just do not understand that everyone has their own ideas, and everyone is right in some sence, but trying to enforce your ideas of right and wrong will only work on you children.

United States of Jesus.
(93 posts, started )