God loves you so he told me to kill you
(57 posts, started )

Poll : This guy should be

Reincarnated as an Iraqi
Made President of the US
God loves you so he told me to kill you
"According to retired U.S. Marine Col. J. Tyler Ryberg, the Bible contains messages about war and capital punishment. God is a powerful soldier.
Ryberg, who served in the Marines for more than 27 years, gave a sermon Sunday morning at Good Shepherd Baptist Church’s Armed Forces Day, where some of the 150 people in attendance often erupted with an “Amen!”
The colonel asked churchgoers if the global war on terrorism was a “just war” and a “God-ordained war,” which he later affirmed.
“We’re killing Islamic jihadists, bloodthirsty killers,” he said. “Peace is not an option. You don’t negotiate with bloodthirsty, jihadist killers.”
While he was in the Marines, Ryberg said, he was often asked, “If you’re a Christian, why do you want to go to war to kill people?” Ryberg said he wants Americans to understand that it’s an act of love to kill evil people who seek to kill Americans.
“If we do take their life, they will kill no more. It’s an act of love for our nation,” Ryberg said.
He explained the importance of government and said that without government, chaos would ensue.
“We are all sinful creatures with a sin nature,” he proclaimed. “Sinful mankind left unrestrained will cause chaos.”
Ryberg justified capital punishment and said it’s in the Bible. God ordains the principle of taking life as an instrument of his justice, he added."

Is it only me who finds this rather sad on several levels ?

To start with, my christian theology may be a bit shaky but I can't remember killing people being an act of love in any version of the new testiment I've ever read, maybe this god person produced a US version that we don't get here.

Secondly, in Iraq this guy is representing the US, hands up everyone who thinks his troops don't shoot anything that moves. After all, peace is not an option !.

The US act's all surprised when they get yet another mass gun slaying and wonder why it happens but just re read what this guy says, by his standards you can kill pretty much anyone for any reason and god will support you.

"A patriot sets himself apart in his own country under his own flag, sneers at other nations and keeps an army of uniformed assassins on hand at heavy expense to grab slices of other people's countries and keep them from grabbing slices of his. In the intervals between campaigns he washes the blood off his hands and works for 'the universal brotherhood of man' - with his mouth." : Mark Twain, The Lowest Animal
There are some REAL weirdos in the world! The USA even likes to allow these weirdos to carry guns ...
Well that book has lots of horse shit between the covers so it wouldn't actually surprise me if you could find something like that. It's been edited several times by Popes and kings and all kind of loonies to their likings. But I do know that it also teaches you to treat your fellow humans like you would like to be treated, but meh, it must be one of those part don't have to take word by word and has been misinterpret. The Bible is the worst scam ever made just to scare and make pesants carry their taxes.
Someone mentioned the Bible?

All I can say is: Luke 19:27. Google it. Be suprised.
The bible tells you that you are allowed to sell your daughter as a slave too.

You will find christian fundamentalists everywhere, but in the US they are too powerful in my opinion.
Reminds me of a link posted here some days before. Go to ->
Take the speech, swap "Christian" and "Muslim", and it's ready: your sermon for the brothers of Jihadists Anonymous, next Friday at the mosque.

BTW, thread title should be "God loves me so he told me to kill you".
#7 - Krane
Quote from Racer X NZ :To start with, my christian theology may be a bit shaky but I can't remember killing people being an act of love in any version of the new testiment I've ever read, maybe this god person produced a US version that we don't get here.

"Thou shalt not kill" - You're not just reading it right, you need to twist it to suit your needs :spin:
I love how so many people find it necessary to take Bible verses entirely out of context so they can make it say what the want to. It annoys me no end when people, like the guy this thread is about, take everything so far out of context they seemingly justify their killing and own selfish ends. Just like you couldn't grab any old few words from an autobiography and understand the life context.

Thunderhead, you might actually want to look at Luke 19:27 in context before attempting to discredit it. It's part of a parable... parables are used for illustration (metaphors, if you will) and, as such, should not be taken literally. Parables are symbolic allegories.

Small rant, about context, over.
#9 - Krane
Quote from Krane :They say either:
  • It's not meant to be taking literally
  • It's figure of speach
  • It's taken out of context
  • You need to read the whole book to understand the sentence
I, as I usually do, take things at face value, think that among other wacky things in that book is just plainly preposterous. It might have been business-as-usual couple millennias ago, but today....

Or they just downplay that part and change/tweak the teachings as required, like they recently changed the teaching what happens to stillborn babies (therefore unbabtized). Because the followers in Africa and Asia didn't like the idea of their stillborn babies going into limbo (sort of intermediate of hell and heaven I think) so they changed it.

Well, of course that's what 'they' say, because that's how it is.

It's like saying 'Those LFSers will say LFS is different to NFS' - because it's true.

It also shows a significant lack of knowledge on your part - because the Bible's canon was decided on in the third century and has not been changed since. Some denominations, such as the Cathloics, etc. see fit to adjust the Bible to suit their needs but - aside from more accurate translations as Western understanding of Hebrew and Aramaic language structure and context improve - the Bible, in general, has remained unedited since it's inception. Also, the fact that the original manuscripts are classified as being historically relevant (in that, they were written at different times, have been dated properly, etc, etc.), means that they were not a collaboration for 'crowd control'.

Don't mistake what the Catholic church proclaims and decrees with what the Bible says. As an example, you won't find anywhere in the Bible, any discussion about infant baptism... but that baptism is for believers that have made a personal decision to believe.

Context is the basis of language... don't say it isn't important as without it, there's no way to understand language.
I don't deny, that I don't know much about that book, Beause I couldn't be bothered to read it I even failed my confirmation test and cheated on the retest, IIRC even still failed - or something, I only remember that I haven't officially passed confirmation, can't remember what the reason was though. Doesn't matter anyway, I denounced faith the day I turned 18 and could legally do it on my own.

For future reference, if I see a sentence or something proclaiming something stupid like* "premarital sex is wrong", "adultery is wrong" (aka Swinging), "homosexual relations are wrong", "kill all whom don't believe in me" or "you need to jump on one leg while wiggling your toes while reading this book". When can it be taken as literally and at face value and when can it be taken as a metaphor which you can dismiss?

* No I don't know is any of those actually in that book, only that the church says so
Scott Taylor, in a terrific interview, offered his insight about the way Islamic fundamentalists fight. Take this very small excerpt:

You know why? It's because they
want to die. They are not interested in saving lives. And they have a constantly replenished supply of willing martyrs to tap into.

Of course the motivation of American soldiers isn't the same. They're interested in preserving their lives for whatever reason. So, if this is a war where motivations win (and for me it is) America is bound to lose from the start.
It's then no wonder there will be morons who are speaking in the name of God in America too, with the same hellish objectives and the same mentality, and with similar heavenly rewards.

Edit: Scott Taylor is a journalist who has been a professional soldier. He was kidnapped by Ansar Al-Islam and survived. He was able to witness combat tactics, so his point of view is supported by evidence. The section denominated The Mujahedin's Unbeatable Tactic: Death is awesome.
IMHO you shouldn´t take the bible serious at all. I like the bible, it´s a book "full of sex, violence and torture that would make a smashing film" (Monty Python)

Remember that a lot of the laws in the bible are more then 2000 years old and should not be taken into a modern world. But if you read between the words you will find a lot of stuff that - in correct interpretation - makes the life more easy. And of course there is a lot of fun in this book.

-> Genesis 38:1-10

"God" and "Allah" are the same person. Muslims and christs believe in THE SAME lord. Just a different prophet (Jesse, Mohammed). So they are "brothers in believe".

BTW: One thing is very strange to me. As far as I know a lot of americans believe in the bible word by word. Like that stupid I** p** a** mo***erf** George Bush. How can he make billions of dollars with oil? How can oil even exist if the world was made by the lord a few thousend years before?

Jihad = (C) by catholic church (holy war, crusade founded in the middle-age)
Quote :ow can he make billions of dollars with oil? How can oil even exist if the world was made by the lord a few thousend years before?

Something to do with a bactaeria that has a tail, apparently. The Discovery Institute (not in any way veiled Christian science organisation trying to subvert any scientific understanding which questions a tale from the bible) claim that it could not have evolved because the tail does not work with any one of it's 50 odd components removed. Therefor it must have been 'intelligently designed'.

This is because the tail was an adaption of an existing organ for an entirely different purpose - just dont tell them that because it'd be a pointless exercise in futility.

Militant religious fundamentalists have always been a problem, but nobody gave them a big red button to push before - their growing influence and power in America is something that I personally find uncomfortable to witness, and the growing unrest in the world as a result of two groups of fundamentalists both trying to prove they have the will of God by annihilating the other is also a cause for concern.

Worse is that both sides both believe in and actively engage in indoctrination of the young in order to replace their losses on the frontlines. Pretty soon we'll have way too many car bombers on both sides that they're going to start looking for new targets.

oh btw if any American school kids reach this you might want to Google Darwin whilst it is still possible to do so in your country. I doubt it'll be too many more years before any search of Darwin turns up google results giving nothing but incorrect propaganda.

Darwin is not a 'theory'. It's part of a bigger picture that is not yet fully unveiled. For the rest of the picture Google Steven Hawkins and 'Geneva Particle Accelerator'.
+1 Becky

no words for this...
Attached images
The bible is 100% about interputation. When you read some or all of it, its about what you get out of it. Thatmarine was severly warped from being in the us army for all that time, killing people for a living changes you. If anyone knows anyone who went away, and killed anyone, they change.
Quote from Becky Rose :Something to do with a bactaeria that has a tail, apparently. The Discovery Institute (not in any way veiled Christian science organisation trying to subvert any scientific understanding which questions a tale from the bible) claim that it could not have evolved because the tail does not work with any one of it's 50 odd components removed. Therefor it must have been 'intelligently designed'.

This is because the tail was an adaption of an existing organ for an entirely different purpose - just dont tell them that because it'd be a pointless exercise in futility.

Militant religious fundamentalists have always been a problem, but nobody gave them a big red button to push before - their growing influence and power in America is something that I personally find uncomfortable to witness, and the growing unrest in the world as a result of two groups of fundamentalists both trying to prove they have the will of God by annihilating the other is also a cause for concern.

Worse is that both sides both believe in and actively engage in indoctrination of the young in order to replace their losses on the frontlines. Pretty soon we'll have way too many car bombers on both sides that they're going to start looking for new targets.

oh btw if any American school kids reach this you might want to Google Darwin whilst it is still possible to do so in your country. I doubt it'll be too many more years before any search of Darwin turns up google results giving nothing but incorrect propaganda.

Darwin is not a 'theory'. It's part of a bigger picture that is not yet fully unveiled. For the rest of the picture Google Steven Hawkins and 'Geneva Particle Accelerator'.

Wow, the voices of reason and intellect are the some of the only glimmers of hope left in this world of dogmatic fanaticism and insanity. Let's hope that not too many of our descendants would be sacrificed to fulfill the twisted agendas of the few socioeconomic and political elites.
Quote from Crazy Harry :Remember that a lot of the laws in the bible are more then 2000 years old and should not be taken into a modern world.

What, you mean like NOT killing people? Stupid 2000-year-old laws...

Quote :"God" and "Allah" are the same person. Muslims and christs believe in THE SAME lord. Just a different prophet (Jesse, Mohammed). So they are "brothers in believe".

Incorrect. Just because "Allah" means "God", doesn't mean that the Muslim and Christian beliefs of the character and nature of God are the same. Nor does it mean that what Jesus and Mohammed preached was the same.

As for the 'word-by-word' belief... if taken in context, you'll find it's all about peace, love, not exploiting other people and, generally, a high moral standard. An example that most people forget is that the Old Testament is the covenant with the Jews, and only the Jews - it was never applicable to anyone outside of the nation of Israel. So all the references there to killing, and the validity of it, are not even relevent to Gentiles (non-Jews). If you want to look properly, there are two key commandments given to Christians in Matthew 22:35-39:

Quote from The Bible - Matthew 22:35-39 :(35) One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question:
(36) "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
(37) Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
(38) This is the first and greatest commandment.
(39) And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'

(where neighbor is any other person).

Once again - don't tar everyone with the same, out-of-context brush. We're not all raving loonies - some of us actually care for peace, love, a high moral standard and a world free from hate campaigns and killing... just as the Bible instructs.
Usually those who go to war become callous and inhumane, or they become extremely compassionate.

This guy is just a moron. Going to war doesn't do that to you. I'd have to believe that he was a moron long before he enlisted.
i gotta back james up a bit here
while im not religious im a huge fan of christian ethics which can be summed up as james posted as "'Love your neighbor as yourself." or a emmanuelles **** (i love that pun) put it a few years later "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law." (although admitedly our friend from koenigsberg misses out on the 'love yourself' bit which changes the commandment quite a bit)

and the way i see it those 5 words are pretty much the only bit in the bible that has any bearing on how you should act as a christian on this earth ... everything else is just scenery
Quote from JamesF1 :What, you mean like NOT killing people? Stupid 2000-year-old laws...

It´s not stupid. Remember that the people of juda wanted to grow a nation. And you need - in thee days - lets say "harder" laws to survive. I know a lot about bible and stuff but I think the language barriere will lead to a lot of misunderstanding so I stay away. Just want to say I do NOT believe in any kind of "higher thingy", life after death, reincanation or something else. And don´t forget: It´s history and nothing more to me.

Just 1 example: The bible says a man who is sleeping with his wife when she pregnant or short after the birth of the child or when she is having menstruation he should be KILLED. Sounds very silly to us but remember that the people 2000 years ago didn´t have a proper place to wash and stuff. These rules are mostly given to the people to keep them ALIVE.
Quote from Crazy Harry :Just 1 example: The bible says a man who is sleeping with his wife when she pregnant or short after the birth of the child or when she is having menstruation he should be KILLED. Sounds very silly to us but remember that the people 2000 years ago didn´t have a proper place to wash and stuff. These rules are mostly given to the people to keep them ALIVE.

i think you two got some misunderstanding here
james seems to refer to the 10 commandments as christian laws which discounting the first 3 which are about god are in no way silly
what youre refering to is leviticus which like james said is about living in israel some 4000 years ago and mostly silly by todays standards
Quote from Racer X NZ :"According to retired U.S. Marine Col. J. Tyler Ryberg, the Bible contains messages about war and capital punishment. God is a powerful soldier.

So he reads something on a book and that justifies murdering thousands of innocent people... great!

With 300 years of history they are a n00b country, he should use the "search button" before "posting" stupid suggestions.
Quote from Shotglass :"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law." (although admitedly our friend from koenigsberg misses out on the 'love yourself' bit which changes the commandment quite a bit)

That's in the bible? I practice self-love all the time - I never realised it might get me into the afterlife.

Go Team Kev! *hi-fives self*
Quote from thisnameistaken :I practice self-love all the time - I never realised it might get me into the afterlife.

only if you do the exact same thing to everbody you meet

God loves you so he told me to kill you
(57 posts, started )