Racing online, except for a few whom seem to go out of their way to perpetuate a stereotype, I see no difference in human behavior. 99% of the people I race online are wonderful, thoughtful human beings. We are not as different as we think we are, the only division being language.
I have always pondered why some are obsessed with race and culture; we are all
humans, right?
Fundamentally, we all have the same ideals, morals and codes that dictate how we live our life, and how we perceive the world around us.
A thought about racism; I have come to this conclusion in how I regard race: we are all one race, if you think about it. To classify and separate a human being based on their color of their skin or their ethnic background is silly and backwards. It is as logical as saying the earth is flat.
My other belief is that we are all, in some degree, racist. The area in the human brain that forms those beliefs is, I think, in the most
primative part of it. So, in life you have two choices: you can either think with the most primitive part of your brain, and fall deeper into hate, fear and depression,
OR take the harder path, and make a conscious effort every day to fight the bigoted thoughts in your head. The person who says that they are not bigoted or racist is a liar, or in denial of their thoughts. Fight those hateful thoughts everyday!
Imagine if the world started thinking like that...we can then live in peace and harmony with each other. It starts...with you!