TEST Patch W21 (compatible with W17)
(168 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Scawen :OK, here's the explanation why we save as dds.

This actually sounds great, haven't find the time to test it myself, but if it really cause less lag, and less CPU and graphic power than before, than it's a great improwement, i don't care if the skins from other people are 10% worse, it's the gameplay that matters..
Okay, i've installed the patch..I launched the game and it started to convert the skins..etc. I wait for about 5 minutes, and then LFS crashes. Is there no way to get around all this skins business? (personally, i think it was better before. Less things to go wrong.)

EDIT: Disregard this message. I went away and left my computer for 20 minutes - came back and it was okay. No bug!
I don't know if it is a new feature in W21 or a bug. When I press reset during an online race, or a qualifying, the car is repaired and all tires are new. (I was alone online when I tested this)
I did not find any description of this (new) behavior in the changes list.
Quote from Brilwing :I don't know if it is a new feature in W21 or a bug. When I press reset during an online race, or a qualifying, the car is repaired and all tires are new. (I was alone online when I tested this)
I did not find any description of this (new) behavior in the changes list.

Thats just a new arcade-feature and is in the most servers disabled. In online-games is in future no car reset allowed, and thats right so. Any car reset in game ruins the game, with repair and without repair, thats no matter.
Quote from matze54564 :Thats just a new arcade-feature and is in the most servers disabled. In online-games is in future no car reset allowed, and thats right so. Any car reset in game ruins the game, with repair and without repair, thats no matter.

Actually, no... We had resetting in previous versions, but that has been taken away and was replaced with the arcade-ish sp-mode reset behaviour...

Scawen explained that it is considered as a help for beginner server, but it wasn't appropriate for normal servers in a simulation...

@Bril: Shame on you, how many times have Lupus and I mentioned that in the testpatch-threads over at the lfs.at-board? :chairs:
dunno if a bug, but some warning would be nice...
i ran out of hdd space during conversion of the skins (realized it after 5mins of going wtf?wtf?) .. it said it could not write the dds versions, but i got into the menu... selected singleplayer, went to the garage and my lx6 was white... wtf i thought, clicked on the colours tab, texture name, LFS was frozen for about 2 minutes, LFS did not respond to anything, but i gave it time and read through the changes in the patch, when i clicked on it some time it showed an empty texture list...

so some kind of a warning saying i'm out of disk space would be nice...

take me with reserve, we have a race weekend before us and since yesterday i'm at work for 13 hours a day and very tired...
thats a pretty good idea about warning with HDD space.
Just checked the DDS converted folder and it added almost 500MB:eek: .

Not that I wouldnt have another space left but you never know for some people.
Quote from geeman1 :Makes more sense now. S = spectate and P = pits. I have no idea where the S for pits came before.

if it makes sense ot not is kind of irrelevant when its become something most lfs players do automatically without even thinking about it
changing it at this point will only add confusion
Any particular reason why total elapsed time isn't displayed any more?
Quote from Shotglass :if it makes sense ot not is kind of irrelevant when its become something most lfs players do automatically without even thinking about it
changing it at this point will only add confusion

No. It confused me every time I wanted to spectate, that I could not press a key. And I had to think "what the hell is that pits key" every time I wanted to go to the pits... "oh yeah, settings". This is better. Better do these things sooner rather than later. What on earth could be the spectate key if it wasn't S?

Quote from hackerx :Any particular reason why total elapsed time isn't displayed any more?

Yes, it was a waste of space. I got fed up seeing so many times at the top right - it was four and now it's down to 2. Total time is now only displayed now when relevant, e.g. in a time based race.
#86 - Vain
I agree about the 'total time' line. It was rather unnecessary in normal races.
I don't agree on the 'best' line though. Right now I have to drive to the finish line to find out my best time. That means the ideal time isn't displayed when I want to view it.
I know that the new design is more streamlined and better from a pro-user point of view, but while racing I'd like the interface to be static and predictable. e.g. I still manually ctrl+tab to the result board, even if I want to view it directly after the finish line, because ctrl+tab is always the same. I can do it any time and regardless of the situation. It's an 'if'-construction fewer in my head.
I hope you get what I'm going at. Streamlining the interface is nice, but in racing I mostly want the GUI to be very simple. Not beautiful and small, but mostly simple.
The new changes are acceptable and don't need to be reversed. I'd just like to voice that point of view.

Quote from Vain :I don't agree on the 'best' line though. Right now I have to drive to the finish line to find out my best time.

Press shift + ctrl.
Quote from geeman1 :This doesn't look very pretty to me. The keys for the functions are too big and they also make the menu look crammed. Atleast with the finnish translation the texts seem very tightly crammed. It's good thing to list the shortcut keys, but they are too dominant the way they are now.

I agree, I don't like it either, its to cluttered and whatnot, I prefer the larger buttons over what it is now. I don't think shortcut keys are really useful when you're already in the menu. For example, it would be like pressing the start button on your windows taskbar and it come up saying in giant letters on the screen: Press the windows key to show the start menu!

Instead Scawen, how about making another thing in the options list where you can edit all of the shortcut keys to whatever you prefer, that would make more sense at least in my mind. But the visible shortcuts definitely need to go.
I've installed the patch..I launched the game and it started to convert the skins. It took for about 3 minutes. Then I exit from LFS and launched it again. I got warning massage kind of this 'Couldn't load skins ...... ' Only two or three skins couldn't be loaded.
I don't know if a bug but when I connected to a server there was a small hiccup and it downloaded a skin (I was still a spectator).
Here is a replay just in case although the download message isn't displayed.

That's a fine patch!
Attached files
sdf.mpr - 14 KB - 297 views
Quote from Shotglass :if it makes sense ot not is kind of irrelevant when its become something most lfs players do automatically without even thinking about it
changing it at this point will only add confusion

I agree. Shift-p is also more difficult to press. Perhaps assigning these features to whatever key you like, similar to the way the map colour issue was resolved, would be nice
Ofcourse it seems logocal to bind:
Shift-S to Spectate
Shift-P to Pits
Shift-J to Join

but it means u need 2 different hands to enter the pits and return to the track. Also leaving pits is only possible with the mouse (or did i miss something?).

maybe it is possible to leave the binds so that u can get them all with 1 (left) hand. Also pls reactivate the leaving pits by Escape.
#93 - axus
Thanks for the update!

Quote from Scawen :Escape menu improvements : can use keys (listed on screen)

Wouldn't it be better to just have a letter underlined in each of the options and have these available at a single key-press from the menu so its as compact as before? The shortcuts that people would use from outside the menu can be looked up in controls anyway.
Quote from Blowtus :I agree. Shift-p is also more difficult to press. Perhaps assigning these features to whatever key you like, similar to the way the map colour issue was resolved, would be nice

Why want you be TELEPORTED in the garage while racing?? I cant understand this, its nice that it difficult to press, thats the best add. I suggest that all wrecked cars should go to spectate and garage just possible after drive in a garage or from spectating.

Quote from XCNuse :I don't think shortcut keys are really useful when you're already in the menu.

This is made by scawen to learn all Noobs the short-cuts, and thats nice, some noobs dont read the stuff in the docs-folder.
I have the Logitech MOMO Force red and had all the buttons i configured , instead of 6 buttons i have 12 , but now i still have to press the ok button to leave the pits . Please bring back ESC button to leave pits

@ matze , noobs ??? hahahaha you pro racer you
Quote from W1ldPort75 :but now i still have to press the ok button to leave the pits . Please bring back ESC button to leave pits

Thats right, in the Pits don´t work the shift+J and no needed hot-key, and use just the Esc-button like before will be nice.

But in Pits u anyway have the mouse by the hand to changing setups. This is why in Pits is no Hotkey needed. If you dont wonna change a setup, you should not going to pits, just to spectators.
BUG report in W21: when pressing LEAVE button LFS shutdown to desktop

Just has been on the 24H test server and when I press ESC to see the menu and then press LEAVE button LFS shutdown to desktop.I would be expecting just to leave the server and not quit LFS.Tested 3 times and always the same result.
Quote from Gunn :The main function of skins_x for me has always been to exclude other people's skins from my list of chooseable skins. As long as I can still just select from my own skins (and still use quality high res skins for my friends) without seeing irrelevant files, I'm happy.

I had a though about this, this morning, while considering the idea of adding a cleck box beside each skin, so you could select it to be hidden and an option to show skins, which does seems like a few hours work I could do without...

And then I thought... but... why is the actual list of skins being used as the way to conveniently select a skin to see on your car? The column of "colour configs" on the left side of the screen is supposed to be the way you make a list of the skins you want to use often.

It's a bit clumsy though, underdeveloped, has no rename button for example which would help. But apart from the lack of a rename button, what else is stopping you using that list as your quick means of selecting a skin?

I'm getting quite tired from these weeks of long hours on the patch X developments, still have some bugs to fix and relevant improvements to make before the final patch X release which will allow me to get on with some other things, and I would love to avoid spending half a day on a "record of skins the user does and doesn't want to see" and checkboxes, new translation items, etc... so if what you need could be achieved with a couple of improvements to the thing which is supposed to do what you need anyway (that colours list) then that would be a great help to me.
Quote from Scawen :Yes, it was a waste of space. I got fed up seeing so many times at the top right - it was four and now it's down to 2. Total time is now only displayed now when relevant, e.g. in a time based race.

I like to make screenshots with my best time at display. By pressing ctrl and shift i cant make screenies easy enough. Please make a user definable time-display or return to the past. Thats just my suggestion.
Re: The new escape menu featuring shortcut key information

I'd recommend keeping the shortcut legend in the escape menu (even though it doesn't look as good as it used to). Instead of removing it alltogether, add an option in misc or whatever where you can turn the shortcuts legend on or off.
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TEST Patch W21 (compatible with W17)
(168 posts, closed, started )