A possible solution to the skin folder dilemma:
- a folder for dds files;
- two folders: low res and hi res skins;
skins_hi and
skins_lo (just different names for the skins_x and skins_y

. These folders are used by LFS only)
- a personal folder (for our own skins to be selected in LFS, hi res or low res); my_skins. Files in this folder are in jpg format. Files in this folder are not used by LFS as skin files, only the names of the skins are used.
- a folder for all other skins that we already have, the
LFS would handle the situation pretty much like it does now (W21), only the handling of the personal skins would be slightly different, but not much:
- all jpg-skins are saved and converted to dds-files and "copied" in the
skins_dds folder
- LFS would automatically create a list of the names of the skins in my_skins folder, a file like
personal_skins.cfg could contain this list
- when user opens the skin browser in LFS (garage->Colours->Texture name): LFS would check the
personal_skins.cfg and show only those skins in the skin browser. LFS would kinda filter out those skins that are not in the list, kinda like "
white list". The actual skins would be loaded from
skins_dds folder just like now but only those skins would be shown in skin browser that are in
- users save their personal skins in the my_skins folder and LFS would automatically convert those skins to the skins_dds folder at every start.
- there might be a problem that a skin is updated after it has already been converted to dds; the jpg skin file is replaced by newer file either in the my_skins- or in the skins-folders... maybe some kind of time stamp check for the jpg files? Even in the current system an updated jpg skin doesn't automatically get converted and updated automatically in the dds folder?
* With this way all skins are in dds format and all dds-skin-files are in skins_dds folder. So only one place for LFS to look for skins.
* Users are given two folders for their own skins
* easy to use, user doesn't need to know or understand where to put what, just he uses the my_skins folder for his personal skins and all other skins go to the skins folder
Hope it is clear what I mean
A lot easier to code than a tickbox system and much more elegant, imho
Now, what about that LX8