Yeh converting would take some time but Scawen will have to do that soon to support effects and other things.
Also most of the current games 3D engines have several path for the different DX9 hardware SM2.0 SM3.0 etc.Getting complicated for Scawen thought....
.I would like to see shifting forward with 3D engine because there is more possibilities to offload the work to GPU and using some cool effects without loosing the current performance.Most of the DX9 hardware is now halfway used in LFS so there shouldnt be performance drop adding some effects.
What I mean with the effectivity that when you start using some DX9 pixel/vertex code the effectivnies vary also across the DX9 hardware becaue there is DX9 a,b,c spec and they differ as well.
Also the later DX9 the longer code you can do in one cycle without ususally loosing the performance.
Also most of the current games 3D engines have several path for the different DX9 hardware SM2.0 SM3.0 etc.Getting complicated for Scawen thought....

What I mean with the effectivity that when you start using some DX9 pixel/vertex code the effectivnies vary also across the DX9 hardware becaue there is DX9 a,b,c spec and they differ as well.
Also the later DX9 the longer code you can do in one cycle without ususally loosing the performance.