Is not necessary to see anything, I flhased once muy VGA without viewing anything
Here are the steps:
1 Download
this file
2 Unrar to a floppy disk
3 Start computer with floppy disk as first boot device
4 Wait about 60 seconds
5 Type
nvflash.exe -4 -5 -6 6600.rom (Press
this key for type the -)
6 Wait about 40 seconds
7 Press
Y key.
8 Wait about 30 seconds until you hear a bip
9 Press again
10 Wait about 30 secondos
And you can restart your computer, the card is now flashed.
You can try it if you want, yo don´t loose anything
PD: If you don´t understand anything I can explain it in Spanish

PD: If you can´t configure the motherboard BIOS for starting system from floppy disk, you can reset it by removing the battery for about 15 minutes.