1) What is the current WR for Blackwood GP in the XFG?
1hr36minutes. Pushing.
2) The XRT is mainly used for.... (500 words or less please. Answers judged on humour)
...running crack cocaine around Blackwood counties
3) Name the first thing you would do in S2?
Unlock it, duh
4) Which was the first PC game to have Mondello Park in it as a standard track?
Modello Park Grand Prix, by Atari, in 1963
5) Name, and spell correctly, three variations of the Porsche 917
Chassis 001, Chassis 002, Chassis 003
6) I want an S2 license because... (same as #2 words wise. Answers judged on how well you write)
...I paid for it, and therefore it is my right as a consumer to receive it promptly.
7) Name four famous IRISH racing drivers.
Eddie Irvine. Eddie Irvine. Niki Meredith. Eddie Irvine
8) I want to race with... (Again, creative answers. LFS-centric ones get more points

...all four wheels on the ground, if possible.
9) Make anagrams of the following well known LFS racers:
a) lfsn00b
b) Bob Smith
Bosh mibt
c) Leprekaun
Funny little irish blighter
10) Who would you give an S2 voucher to and why?
I'd give one to Santa Claus, because he must be sick of mince pies and he never gets anything else
5 more:
11) Write me an LFS-based story, minimum of 100 words, maximum of 500. I'm looking at it from an examiner's angle (No. I'm not marking it

As the sun rises over the horizon, engines are started. The roar is deafening. The spectators strain to see the incoming vehicle. The sounds gets louder and quieter, louder and quieter. Soon they can see the top of the driver, and eventually they see the entire ride on lawnmower tracking gracefully up and down the grass making lovely neat lines, just like on a football pitch. Well, someones got to do it.
12) Make the most Irish skin you can
I did, but I forgot to turn on the computer. That seems fairly irish to me!
13) Beat a time of 2:12 around blackwood reverse, on keyboard, with the XFG on rallyX tyres. With one eye closed.
Done. What, you want proof too? I forgot to save it!
14) Another writing one: Take a song, and fit LFS lyrics around it. Humour will go a long way towards getting you the S2 license.
My life is brilliant. My love is pure. I saw an angle, of that I'm sure. She smiled at me in my GTR, but she was with another man. But I won't lose no sleep on that, because I've got an apex to hit!
15) If you got banned, what was the most stupid thing you got banned for? (No. I don't want this to turn into one of those 'I got banned' whinefests...Best answer this one by PMs, me thinks)
Because I sent a /msg JamesF1: I'm a big horny lover and I can't drive message. Ironically, it was whilst on my own server. Git.