I'm with Tweaker on this one
The AIs aren't that bad after all. They need some changes like:
1. The ability to drive in and out of pits.
This is going to be fixed in Y because of the new start position of the qualify and practice modes.
2. More distinctive skills between the OK, Quick and PRO levels.
I guess this is a matter of some variables in the AI algorithmes, so it would be easy to be done.
3. The oscilation of the wheel in the AI BF1 cars in the straights and before turning.
Again a little more variable fixing due to the high speed of this car.
4. The fact that the AIs even in PRO level they are slower than the mid racer in multiplayer.
Guess what... Again some variable tweaking in the AI engine is the solution.
5. Fix of the glitch that the AIs spin or driving off road after 50-100 laps of learning the track.
This could be solved with a check now and then of the ideal racing line and their racing line. So, they could not deviate from the predermined path in so huge extenct they could drive off road.
6. A glitch, when the AIs drive against the wall, specially in SO enviroments they just get stuck there throttling against the wall.
This sould be fixed along with their ability to drive out off the pits.
7. The most annoying behavior atm, they ignorance of the player's car from the AIs, especially in the turns. If the player is in front of the AIs they'll wreck him at the turn entrance because they do not take his car into consideration, so they could avoid the crash.
This could be easily fixed imho in the same way AIs are aware of other AI cars and do not reset or block them while they are near.
All the above imho are not very difficult to get fixed in a single patch.
All of these glitches together as they are now create a horrible AI race and give the impression of horrible AIs, but the truth is that these glitches are all relevant to each other, so their fix could be done within a patch. At least this is what I and others hope for.

Time will show