The online racing simulator
pic from me
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awsome skin awsome pic. hopefully the new interiors we will get for the gtr cars will look as racey as the super gt interiors.
Good stuff Caoz, I like 'em. GTR theme next?
Quick practice session at Aston Historic, sporting the new Turn1 Racing teamskin.
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Alligator introduces new RB4 on steroids.
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Quote from Don :from the 32cars "photo" server:

click for full size [WARNING - very big photo - 7.7MB]

for those who dont see a clickable thumbnail, full size is @

Don, I can't see the pic (Server could not be found). Same thing happened with the high res default skins pack when I clicked on the link in the 32 cars thread.
Quote from Don :from the 32cars "photo" server:

Least I know where I am , tough luck .
nice pic btw
Nice lil screenie of my private skin.
comments please
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Quote from LFSn00b :First pic is from South City, and others are just copy&paste into a scene?

Nope, it's all South City. I thought you would have known about those 'secret' areas by now, n00b.
Quote from MAGGOT :Nope, it's all South City. I thought you would have known about those 'secret' areas by now, n00b.

I just don't know about the 'secret' areas, because I have never really bothered to search for them.

Edit: Nevermind, I thought you were calling me a n00b, you were just talking to LFSn00b...but I would still like to know where these areas are.
I think they are roughly all in the relative centre of the area. I have no idea how to get to them as I have no interest, but a quick search on the forums should wield some results.

And yes, I was referring to LFSn00b. Calling him n00b takes less finger strokes, and I was feeling lazy earlier
That sky is absolutely _beautiful_. My only crit is that the lights should be on (both street lamps and taillights).
Quote from Thunderhead :Nice lil screenie of my private skin.
comments please

Looks like a scan from magazine, but I love it !!
Quote from LFSn00b :...


noob...You did not "Overtaked" Victor, you "Overtook" them.
This is one I did a couple weeks ago, again, of the new Turn1 Racing teamskins. This one is Mike and I jostling for position on the front straight of Aston Historic Reverse. I won.

[EDIT] Here's a second pic, this time of the UFR. Skin made by MikebyDzine.
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Quote from Jimik(CZE) :Maybe a poster or something

EDIT : just a one small edit added

i like this one for colors and style a lot.
i only find that the font you used to write "53 tracks, 11 cars etc" doesn't fit very well with the rest of the poster.. it's too "clean" (may i say it this way?)

anyway.. grats
quickie P:
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Edited pics
(14106 posts, started )