The online racing simulator
Use of a Clutch Pedal
(31 posts, started )
How many people actually use a manual clutch? Is it any faster than just using the auto clutch?
It's faster in the road cars to use a manual clutch, but not in the race cars. And most of the benefit you get from shifting faster in the road cars is negated by having to right-foot brake in the corners, potential for missing shifts and so on.
(Jakg) DELETED by Jakg
I use manual clutch because I'm used to it, but I've heard people say that they're faster without using the manual clutch
#4 - john
Quote from Doug99 :How many people actually use a manual clutch? Is it any faster than just using the auto clutch?

yes it is faster.
I always use the clutch on my G25. It's part of the experience!
plus in turbo cars it allows u to keep boost up in tight bends which allows u to exit the bend faster
I have a set of scripts that i am willing to share that allow use of clutch in road cars, and Auto-clutch when in Sequential / OW cars (noting that the XFR and UFR are set as road cars)

Edit: Files Attached

Place in /Data/Scripts

To change Throttle Cut/Throttle Blip Open the files "road" "paddle" or "Sequential" and change the values of "/gccut" or "/gcblip" from '0' to '1' Or vice versa.
Attached files
Clutch - 4.2 KB - 202 views
I definatley find the road cars faster with manual clutch, but i stick with auto clutch with sequential shift in the GTRs and single seaters (i still right foot brake though even with auto clutch, i use a load cell on my brake pedal and it seems weird braking with my left foot)
Quote from spiderbait90 :I have a set of scripts that i am willing to share that allow use of clutch in road cars, and Auto-clutch when in Sequential / OW cars (noting that the XFR and UFR are set as road cars)

Edit: Files Attached

Place in /Data/Scripts

To change Throttle Cut/Throttle Blip Open the files "road" "paddle" or "Sequential" and change the values of "/gccut" or "/gcblip" from '0' to '1' Or vice versa.

Great! Always meant to write up a set of those but never got round to it
Thanks for sharing!
Quote from thisnameistaken :And most of the benefit you get from shifting faster in the road cars is negated by having to right-foot brake in the corners, potential for missing shifts and so on.

You coould also left foot brake and do clutchless downshifts. There is no gearbox damage either so you don't need to even worry about that.
I use a manual clutch. on road cars it doesn't make a diffence in shifting speed. if GTR cars though generaly I'll turn on autoclutch and only use it on downshifts. I can't move the pedal fast enough for GTR . I find healing and toeing hard but I can do it. manual clutch is most useful when taking off from the pits and I don't want wheelspin. I also try to practice normal driving with my setup. I usally lift off when shifting. but if i'm in a hurry i'll flat shift
I use manual everything when in stick shifting cars. I must admit that I find heel toe downshifting a lot easier in my real car (a Polo GTI 2006) than on my A1s. Maybe I need to adjust the sound settings a bit so that I get more of a feel of the revs going up, but it's probably more to do with the fact that a real brake pedal gives so much more feel and has a much longer travel. Having said that I _am_ trying to get used to it. Shifter is that of a G25.
I use manual clutch and shifts with a G25 in road cars only. In GTR class and UFR/XFR and alla single seaters, I use auto clutch and sequential gears, since they are supposed to be like that in real life too. I think these cars (and especially GTRs and single seaters) should allow clutchless shifting even with manual clutch enabled, since they are supposed to use sequential gearboxes...
P.S. I use left foot brake and rev up for downshifting without a clutch in road cars, but I have the foot ready for clutch too, if the gear isn't selected after all. A little bit risky, especially with some cars which need the revs matched exactly before they take the gear in.
I find heal toeing hard on the g25. I know how to do it just fine, but the metal pedals are hard on my feet, and I find they are too close together. Maybe just me, but i find auto throttle blip on downshift much easier... In a real car, the throttle is further back then the break pedal and clutch pedal, which makes it much easier to heal toe downshift.
If the pedals are very close together it doesn't make sense to use heel and toe; you must press one pedal with one or two toes, then roll your foot onto the other pedal and press it with another two toes or so. I have big feet so it works for me .
no its slower but thats the way i drive
What is the point in "heel/toeing"..?
Quote from ramsy66 :What is the point in "heel/toeing"..?

With the car going quite fast, try putting it in neutral, letting the revs drop, then engaging a lower gear. It's especially noticable in RWD cars.

Using your heel to match the revs for the next gear while braking helps avoid that.
Ensures that you input and output shafts of the gearbox are matched, so that the gears can engage quickly, smoothly and without damage. It is vitally important on non-syncro engines, but gearbox designers invented the syncro ring as most people are too stupid to do the simple movement required.
I've been attempting to use a clutch in the last week or so, I haven't raced cos I know I will be very close and probably cause accidents lol but because I only have two pedals I'm using my mouse as braking. The road cars can considerably slow down quicker using manual clutch without heel-toeing, but it's finding the right gear when downshifting to get the best speed it sure is great fun I just can't wait til I get another wheel and I can use manual properly
Quote from tristancliffe :Ensures that you input and output shafts of the gearbox are matched, so that the gears can engage quickly, smoothly and without damage. It is vitally important on non-syncro engines, but gearbox designers invented the syncro ring as most people are too LAZY to LEARN the simple movement required.

The fact that the majority of modern manual transmission cars come with TINY pedals don't help. Nothing a larger pedal surface won't fix.

As far as I can tell, most car manufacturers expect their cars to not survive beyond the warranty period to insure demand for newer, fancier and even more fire cracker like cars.
Quote from tristancliffe :Ensures that you input and output shafts of the gearbox are matched, so that the gears can engage quickly, smoothly and without damage. It is vitally important on non-syncro engines, but gearbox designers invented the syncro ring as most people are too stupid to do the simple movement required.

Synchronization of the input and output shafts only happens if you double clutch and heel and toe iirc. Although, I did read somewhere that if the engine and input shaft aren't engaged, and you give a blip, the input shaft still speeds up little bit. But I haven't tried doing that on a dog box though.
depends on the wheel, G25, obviusly slower in a race but with mine i have a DFP look alike shifter with a clutch. I have auto clutch on bubt I have the clutch activited incase i need it for flat shift or in patch W37 i think there are false starts allowed so i hold the ebrake on and in first with clutch down so yes it can help
What is Clutch?
(obsolum) DELETED by Bob Smith : no longer relevant - threads merged

Use of a Clutch Pedal
(31 posts, started )