I'm sure we'll all forgive you for missing the date by a few days. It will be worth the wait.
I played on test server #1 for a little while and have to agree that the standard of driving was very impressive. With such a packed field, I was prepared for some serious T1 carnage, but it never happened. People braked, they gave way, they moved off their line, it was like a dream come true
The new patch additions are going to change the face of the sim. The false start system might even mean we see some dedicated drag servers appear, which may mean the game attracts a new audience. I've only done a handful of drag races (and I suck), but it's now a viable option.
Hopefully people will also stop complaining so much about the LSDs. My mechanical knowledge extends to "Yup, that's an engine" so I can't comment on that

And good old class balancing, the bane of all PvP games. It's still got a way to go (I think the FZR would be better with a bit of restriction rather than a full 100kg addition) but it's a start.
These are all changes worth waiting for.