Quote from DEVIL 007 :AMD might die Intel control it self.
sorry to say it....LOL....where did you read that.AMD control itself as well.A64 processors have simillar powersaving features like C2D processors.

from my experience with using intels (pm (whatever the dothan predecessor was called) and c2ds) and amds (a64 x2) cool n quiet is a piece of crap in comparison and simply doesnt work (admitedly the last time i used it was quite a while ago) and i know a lot of amd users who turned it off for good
C&Q work good for me and on other computers I take care on.
The statement above about AMD might die made me really laughing.Most stupid thing I heard about PC in last few month.
Lol yer. My god people really do say some stupid things about computers. I actually makes me read them twice to make sure they're serious
Quote from DEVIL 007 :C&Q work good for me and on other computers I take care on.

ive had plenty of problems with the cores not clokcing back up in games and the like and im not the only one i know with these problems
unless the driver has drastically improved (btw doesnt intels solutions work without drivers on a hardware level making is superior by design?) id recommend leaving cnq off for good

about the power requirements just look at these values done on cards that consume a lot more with a cpu thats likely to consume at least as much as his
#30 - Ziil
#31 - Jakg
The 350W power supply is not good if you dont wnat to have a problems with stability later.It would rule out basically any upgrade of graphic card from 8600GTS and up.I would recommend at least 450W powersupply with such a system.The cheap PSU in such a systems are really not good one.

You will be pushing the PSU with such a system to the limits.
ok but besides that, is it better then the other one? from my first post?
(ok i'm gonna order a 500w with it if i buy it )
Quote from Scrabby :ok but besides that, is it better then the other one? from my first post?
(ok i'm gonna order a 500w with it if i buy it )

Well with the latest system which have decent graphic card you could play LFS at max graphical setting right now.Even with like 2-4xAA+16AF.

The small problem with the latest one is HD which have just 2MB cache.This is really not good for performance and the PSU.

Also I would wait due to price cut againt from Intel on C2D at 222nd July.
http://www.hkepc.com/bbs/itnew ... starttime=0&endtime=0
ok decission made this will be it:
Miditower InWin C603 schwarz
550 Watt Xilencepower mit 120mm Lüfte


AMD AM2 Athlon 64 X2 4200+ EE Windsor Box

DDR2 Mushkin 1024MB SP2-5300 CL5-5-5-12 667MHz 991501(2x1024MB so 2Gigs RAM)

NV GF7 7300GT PNY 256MB DVI TV bulk

SATA 160GB 7200 2MB Maxtor STM3160211AS SATA2

DVD-Brenner Samsung SH-S182D -/+ 18x DL schwarz bulk

and some 50-in-1 cardreader

sorry Control-V messed it up





O.K., i past my year, and this config is my final selection wich im getting saturday:

Mainbord: MB MSI K9N Neo-F: 65,00€ (10935)
CPU: AMD AM2 Athlon 64 X2 4600+ EE Windsor Box: 109,90€ (11532)
Behuizing(gehäuse): Miditower MS Tech LC-402 o.NT schwarz: 30,90€ (13473)
PSU(netzteile): 550 Watt Xilencepower (120mm Lüfter, S-ATA Anschluß): 49,90€ (8845)
geheugen RAM(Arbeitsspeicher): DDR2 Corsair 1024MB DDR2-667 PC5300 CL5 Value Select: 43,90€ x2 (13530)
HDD: 200GB SATA Samsung SP2004C: 47,50€ (8624)
GFX: NV GF8 8500GT 512MB ASUS Silent TV DVI Retail: 102.90€ (15388)
Sound: /

Had to put some german in it to make it understandable to the sell guy xD
woot, got my pc, assembled it, but i have a little prob when i start up, check my bios for right hdd, dvd-read etc.. everything is correct, I insert my LEGAL copy of Windows XP and then he reboots and when after the reboot it says: not any disc found!!! (yes with the !) so plz help me, i wanna be on it today ;(

change the 1st booting device to CD/DVD rom.