The online racing simulator
(Pictures Deleted)
this screen shows my graphics atm

ow.. wait, i did add some smoke (so see through that!)

if i see all those others, i really think my comp sucks..
but it isnt..
duo core.. gefore 6800gt... bla bla..
i already added a texture mod..
anything more? pls pm
never heard of AA, eh?
yeah saw that too..
anti analysing...
but i cant find it in LFS.... so also not in dutch...
its not IN LFS it's in your driver settings
hmm (bit off topic srry)

i run Call of Duty2 fine!! and Battlefield 2142 with Med. graphs is noooo problem at all!!
or do i have to set AA for LFS in driver menu ?? or something
damn i suck at this..
You have to set it in whatever control panel your graphics card uses. (For ATI it is the Catalyst Control Centre, for example)

Also, some higher res textures might help. It looks like your road surface is low res =/
i changed a few settings (in dutch, mabye it looks similar to engelish.. i hope so)
NVIDIA Control Panel

Anisotropische filtering from 8x to 16x
Inferentie-Instellingen(=settings) from 2x to 8xS
Patroon-Filter (=patternfilter) from quality to high-quality

and this is te result...

i can clearly see a big diffrence!
(only chopped track and laptimes away)

u think i can get more than this out of my GeForce 6800? (in combination with duo core etc.)
"duo core"? that means nothing - could you elaborate?

I would set it to High Quality, AF to 16x and AA to 4x and see what FPS you get with 32 cars
With the reflections you've got on the car it almost looks anime lol

About the only other things you can do to improve graphics are high-res texture addons and using a larger resolution.
anime.. lol :P

there are some many texture addons.. i picked one.. and the result is this.
JakG... got those settings now

btw; got a Intel Core 2CPU 4300 @ 1.8Ghz.. 1.2gb memory
Hello, today I raced in the UKCT BumperZ server of the patch W47 test and with air restriction to 39% (117hp), have amused myself very much and here I put a few pics, thanks guys of UKCT (Jakg, John, Dan and other racers of the server)

As always I hope you like the pics guys!
lol having so much grip and so little power must have been interesting.
Quote from DiSCiPuLo :Hello, today I raced in the UKCT BumperZ server of the patch W47 test and with air restriction to 39% (117hp), have amused myself very much and here I put a few pics, thanks guys of UKCT (Jakg, John, Dan and other racers of the server)

As always I hope you like the pics guys!

i wasn't racing, but if you like these cars (XFR's, but with an XFG amount of power) then i'm sure UKCT and ZWR have something you'll love
Quote from DiSCiPuLo :Hello, today I raced in the UKCT BumperZ server of the patch W47 test and with air restriction to 39% (117hp), have amused myself very much and here I put a few pics, thanks guys of UKCT (Jakg, John, Dan and other racers of the server)

As always I hope you like the pics guys!

so pleased you liked the public races! i too had a good time..

with the heads of ZWR and UKCT put together = ALOT OF FUN

the idea of the 39% restriction is that it reduces the BHP of the XFR to the standard of the XFG. However with slick tyres and other differences, it causes VERY CLOSE racing indeed!

also i love those pics! anychance of higher-res versions?
Quote from DANDAMAN05 :so pleased you liked the public races! i too had a good time..

with the heads of ZWR and UKCT put together = ALOT OF FUN

the idea of the 39% restriction is that it reduces the BHP of the XFR to the standard of the XFG. However with slick tyres and other differences, it causes VERY CLOSE racing indeed!

also i love those pics! anychance of higher-res versions?

just remove the .xs.jpg from link
Quote from LFSn00b :No pics of me

>.<"!! Sorry mate I only saved one replay...

I will pass more often for the server undoubtedly.

Quote from Nadeo4441 :just remove the .xs.jpg from link


P.S. Sorry if some explanation is difficult to undrestand but my English isn't very good.
Attached images
Nope, thats my FE2 race set, i just got pissed and started messing around.

The drifting was pretty 1337 if i say so myself
2 screens from the ctra server earlier today great racing
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Yup, twas UKCT Bumperz and yet we still had people typing "$track"
any servers with the UKCT tag infront of them are NOT CTRA servers .

however that public session i hosted today was a HUUUUUUUGE success. i will host it again soon. however i had to personally manage the server to make sure people had the correct restrictions, which was a complete pain in the backside. But then the UKCT ARMY came to the rescue and that was that.

however there where several people who thought it would be a good idea to knock it back a few % ie 36 or 30 when it should be 39%. grrr wound me up really.... i mean.. why cheat? i specifically said 39% in the chat with an /msg command several times.

anyway some software to manage this server would be a treat!

p.s glad you liked it
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let me guess.. Conedodgers racing ?

here a raw screen
erm, care to show them the next 4 laps (and the other race) where i owned you to bits?

Nice selective screenshots though!


Raw Screenshots Thread.
(3337 posts, started )