Damn, bbman, that is such self-pwnage! Jeez, they teach you when you're 10 years old that plants inhale CO2 and exhale O2 ... or have they stopped that since I was in school?
Anyway, regardless of whether we are completely responsible for climate change (I don't think we are - Earth's weather cycles are so long no human will ever live through a complete one) or just making things more difficult for ourselves and fellow O2-breathers,
all of the waste - solid, gas, liquid - we produce simply must be reduced in order to ensure a planet that's inhabitable in the future.
Perhaps motorsport can lead the way in this endeavour too - I just read of a biofuel DB9 that won a race in the UK (although growing the crops necessary for biofuel opens up a whole new can of worms regarding mass-clearings of forests to open farmland, which could just exasperate the CO2 problem). I keep reading of advances in hydrogen-powered, electric & hybrid cars (I plan to solar-power my house, so when I plug in my Tesla roadster I'm utterly guilt-free

). Motorsport has always led to the greatest advances in so many areas of car design, so I'm sure factories and racing teams will be on the cutting edge of all "safe" driving tech in the future (it looks like many are). If nothing else it's going to make good economic sense - oil won't last forever and when it starts running out it's going to get horrendously expensive, so if you can't make a good alternative, noone will want to buy your cars. Eventually, inevitably, even more wars will be fought over oil (2001-2007 will look like a skirmish). It would make perfect sense to start searching, right now, for another method of propelling cars stupidly fast just for fun