The online racing simulator
Slow slick tyred cars
(93 posts, started )
Quote from Koshi_Eternium :I just tried everything i've been told or the short version of the track the replays are of, Not only couldn't i beat 1:04.08 i got got over taken by everyone off the start line dispite hitting my shifts and using later braking[Altho making turning in to the turn alittle harder], So the only think i keep coming to is the slick tyres, I've play'd lots of differnt grip games from touring to F1 [Always without most driving aids] and theres something about these slick tyres that just dosen't feel right

I'm sorry, the sad truth is this: you suck.

Now stop denying it and go practice like me.
You should be abel to do a lot better, i just did a lap on the National track with FOX, and i did a 1:57:48 and that was with my keyboard.
maybe you feel that the Slicks aren't right, but everyone that Plays LFS have the same tyres that your care has, so they don't have any adwantage over you :P
I am a Rally/Drifter And handbrake would be useful on some on the autocross hair pins, Mainly using the RB4 4WD's understeer unless you have the nose pointed where you wanna go and just having the foot brake working the frontbrakes sometime the tail dosen't always line upso a last minute pull on the hand brake to line the tail up

i don't suck that bad, I guess im just not tottly used to the pyhisics and tyre modles of the LFS grip cars making it feel like a dissadvantage, I mean i can get the FZ50 round the long FE rallycross rev quite well and that was before i realised i was on raod tyers, I think its cause i see such wide tyre and think theres gunna be more to hold, Especaily with the FZR the back tyres on that are huge but it dose like to go forwards on more than like 20% power
Koshi.... I sent you PM (Private message)... read it...

Looking at your fox replay... really.. you are just too timid... you change gear way too early... at only half revs... you need to only change when the little red light comes on on the tachometer... you will immediately pick up a second just there... your changing gear at like 5500-6000 whereas I don't change until about 7400.

Read that PM I sent you, and let me know...

Quote from Koshi_Eternium :i think its cause i see such wide tyre and think theres gunna be more to hold, Especaily with the FZR the back tyres on that are huge but it dose like to go forwards on more than like 20% power

well, Koshi... I've not driven around National in a fox before.. thought I do drive the fox, and I just did a 1m 53 after 4 laps. Believe me, its not the car... it has nothing to do with the car... watching your replay, you are no where near the limit of the car... however I will tell you this... on the first corner, if you are slow... like you are.. alot... and you touch that inside curve.. the car will dive right into the wall... but if you are fast, you can run over that curb and it won't dive right... the curb grips the tyre when ur slow and pulls it in, but with fast guy, he's too fast to. Thats not whats going on, but its what it feels like.

I went round doing what you do, and yes curbs seem slippy, but when u go fast they are not... its not the tyres, its not the curbs... its your low speed... what you need in a big dose is a dose of bravery and trust in the car... other ppl make it fast, so it must do it... so your the problem... really.. to put it blunt, your afraid to trust the car and push the thing till the tyres squirm. If I can do it one a first try, jeez you certainly can... you know the lines... I don't... I just guessed at them.

As to your "slippy tyres on the curbs" Let me explain why this happens. This of course does not explain exactly what is happening, but what is being simulated. Now lets zoom in on the tyre curb... the curb consists of red and white angled slices of concrete (simulated) each rise points in the direction you are travelling from. Imagine lots lots of red & white thin wedges of concrete; with the vertical face, facing you as u approach. When you go fast, the tyre (simulated) just rides over the top of these wedges and thats the rumble sound you hear. It also grips the curb almost as well as the road. Now, when you go slowly like you are, and you run over the inside curb on T1, the car jerks to the inside of the curb and toward the wall. Why is it so? lol.... Its because of the simulated dynamic betwen the tyre and lots of those lil thin wedges with their small vertical faces (wish I'd prepared an image lol)... nyway, the tyre hits this like a tiny wall, and the effect pushes the car slightly right.. then it hits the next one, and it hits it again right... Its like hundreds of tiny hits to the front wheel pushing it right as it hits each curb piece. If the tyre was losing grip on a right hand bend, it would never jerk to the right, it would slide left. As I said, this is the EFFECT of what happens, not what is actually happening. To know that, I'd need to know the dynamics of the simulated tyre and simulated curb pieces.

So its not the car, its caused because you are going too slow on that particular curb...

Email me, n i'll help...

Thanks Venus, Sorry i didn't get back to you sooner, I had to smack my pedals with a hammer and now they work fine ^.^, I have an FE gold rev replay that i think is better im starting to push the car alittle more towards it limit, But im not 100% where that is on aston but i Rally/Drift FE gold rev alot so i know the turns alittle better, Let my know if this replay is a step in the right direction, See ya all and thanks again
Attached files
FOX FEgoldrev.spr - 177.1 KB - 150 views
i use a little program called lfsghost. it's a simple program that records your fastest lap and places your racing line on the raod and a ghost car to follow or catch and pass. this will give you a "live" feedback so you can see exactly where you are going wrong. i used to have a r440 like posted before and 180° is plenty of lock for all the cars on lfs. i have a friend who still uses his r440 and refuses to buy a dfp (go figure). i had my r440 sert to 400° (in game) and as you said, it does make the car a bit twitchy but i liked it like that. tbh you just need to practice, even if it means trying to go 1mph faster round each corner. you still gotta push
I found that slickmod and other programes didn't work with the W patch, Will have to try LFSghost but having something to drive againest is helpful i don't need the line on the track as such, But something to refernce againest, Also DFP's have right handed shifter, I can't use right handed shifter cause thats the hand i steer with, Witch is why i want a G25 cause the shifter isn't part of the wheel and it has a clutch pedal
the dfp has two buttons behind the wheel.
I know, most wheels do, But i still want a shifter on the left side where my free hand is, Anyways thats for drift/rally, I use the padles on the wheel for grip, Compared to the G25 the dfp looks poo
yeas i would look "poo" but before the g25 the DFP was top dog as far as i know. and the look of a wheel doesn't dictate the skill of the driver. i use the gear shifter as my hand brake and clutch (pull back for handbrake and push forward for clutch) and it works a treat.
I told you koshi... catch up to me, n i'll fix ur problems... I think u joined xcites server today not sure... other than that, pm me, n i'll send u my email, n u can tell me when ur going to be on... so i can help u... I can't do nything if u don't get onto me lol...

Quote from Venus :I told you koshi... catch up to me, n i'll fix ur problems... I think u joined xcites server today not sure... other than that, pm me, n i'll send u my email, n u can tell me when ur going to be on... so i can help u... I can't do nything if u don't get onto me lol...

I think the words you are looking for are: and,your,you,anything.

This is your slightly bored grammar police signing out
(gizzy890) DELETED by gizzy890
[quote=The Moose;450454]I think the words you are looking for are: and,your,you,anything.
This is your slightly bored grammar police signing out [/quote

nothing better to do other than AVE'IN a go at SUM 1 try 'N 2 elp
koshi venus is a very good racer that could offer you some good advice
I can hold line fairly well now, Its just i can't build up my revs on the longer flatout turns, Like the section into the last turn on ASclub, I get stuck at 130MPH, I've only seen Venus once since the X patch but he had to reload or something, And i haven't seen him or his room
Quote from gizzy890 :nothing better to do other than AVE'IN a go at SUM 1 try 'N 2 elp
koshi venus is a very good racer that could offer you some good advice

I wasn't 'having a go' at him at all,it was more like a gentle pisstake.

I do however absolutely hate people using text speak on a forum though, its completely unnecessary. It's understandable coming from young kids, but according to his profile he's a 54 year old bloke..surely you must have some grasp of the English language at that age

I have no reason to disbelieve that he's a good racer, but to be honest I'm not too shabby myself. I'm not sure what good advice he could give me apart from shutting up about peoples grammar
Yes I have a very good grasp of the english language Moose; including proper use of punctuation, and all grammar. In fact, I'm sure its a great deal better than yours (not being critical); I spent many years doing very annoying, but useful elecution lessons. lol... hated it.

As to my message to Koshi; I was in a hurry, and had to type quickly, so I used short hand. I hope that satisfies your palatte.
Quote from gizzy890 : nothing better to do other than AVE'IN a go at SUM 1 try 'N 2 elp koshi venus is a very good racer that could offer you some good advice

Why thankyou Gizzy, though I wouldn't say very good. lol..


Slow slick tyred cars
(93 posts, started )