The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
LFSLapper insim4 Release
Special thank's

The initial programm was written by MonkOnHotTinRoof. I have his autorisation to maintain and developpe this programm because he stop Dev. Thank's a lot Monkter for your initial prog

Dev Team
Gai-Luron : Coder
Yisc[NL] : Support & Script Coder

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.

Servers running lapper ver > 5.40


Release Candidate 5.841 ... pper/

LFSLapper's WebSite

LFSLapper will work for both Demo and Licensed hosts and can be used also for single player games.
Will also work on dedicated servers and Linux OS (Mono required).

Some features
  • Multi LFS Management: One LFSLapper manage one or more LFS
  • Dedicated language script for config file : GLScript
  • LFSLapper come with powerfull script written by Yisc
  • Sqlite3 Databases
  • Crash detection and notification by email and automatic restart
  • Public personal best lap notification
  • Public split times notifications
  • Best laps ladder; each track, each car with its own table
  • Storage of personal best laps into easy to edit text file
  • Auto Restart
  • Automatic rotation Tracks and/or Cars
  • Swearwords actions
  • Multiple LFS Event catched : End race, start race, on pit, end pit, Best split, etc... ( 67 Events )
  • Time scheduled actions
  • Welcome message
  • Simple drift scoring
  • Idle car detection
  • Pit actions
  • Flooding protection
  • FTP Personal best lap Transfer
  • Authorization ( license, Controls, handicap )
  • Penalties catching
  • Mph or Km/h
  • LFSLapper command via web
  • Messages box using LFS buttons
  • Actions buttons
  • ... And much more

Quick start
  1. Make sure you have .NET Framework installed (Mono will work, too).
  2. Extract archive to arbitrary directory.
  3. please read doc/readme.txt.

Trackinfo maker
Trackinfo maker is an utility who generate a trackInfo.cfg with splitting of wr with your own coefs. I generate the default trackInfo.cfg with this utility

Clean SPB
CleanSPB.exe is an utility who clean all spb on PB file

PBLFSLapperPHPViewer By Gai-Luron ... LFSLapperPHPViewer1.0.rar

All prog by Gai-Luron

LFSRelax :
LFSLapper :
LFSStat :

To compile

- Do not use framework 1.1 for compiling. The best way is to install c# visual Studio. You can find it here :

Hello racer,

if you have bugs to report, please tell me in witch case this bugs occurs.


Version 4.00
Quote :+-------------------------+
|Changes from v3.8 to 4.00|
1. New insim compatible (X)

2. Possibility to indicate a file of player who can use action in autoaction

3. Add pattern in cfg file for splitting information ( spb )

4. Add the possibility to indicate filenane containing the list of authorized user for autoaction separate by \n

5. Add new command !near to show your position in top file with 7 racer before you and 7 after you

6. Add the possibility of indicating which are the players taking part in the qualifications. list of users or file containing users

7. Add the possibility of grouping ( one letter ) qualified according to their times. new parameters: Max Group, Max users per group, Min users in the last group

8. Add new command !topqual to show position of players taking part in the qualifications

9. Add new command !nearqual to show your position in top file with 7 racer before you and 7 after you if you taking part in the qualification

10. Add some variables in cfg file {Posabs} {Posqual} {Groupqual} to display then in some case

Thanks for this work, fantastic!!
#4 - CyCo
superb! thanks gai
Which version of .NET is needed?
I had Lapper 3.8 runner on .NET 1.1 and had several problems with it. Is .NET 1.1 sufficient or should I install .NET 2.0 or 3.0? Thanks for the work you put in to this program to keep it running and thanks to the initial developer.
#6 - vane
when i close lfslapper to restart it because i have changed the lfslapper.cfg it says "InSim - UDP : no slots available" even though i have all the slots up at maximum.
Quote from vane :when i close lfslapper to restart it because i have changed the lfslapper.cfg it says "InSim - UDP : no slots available" even though i have all the slots up at maximum.

Yes i have also had this when using LFSSTATs also developed by Gai-Luron. To fix it I reset insim by typing "/insim 0" within LFS then starting the port again by typing "/insim 29999". I suspect it is LFS realising it has lost connection with the app & I am not sure if it can be fixed other than reseting insim as above.

This message it's not a problem, LFSLapper Or LFSStat work without problem and this message stop after a while. It's due to the multiple UDP connection and that i'am not closing UDP connection on exit. This will be fixed in the future. The /insim 0 it's a good think.

Yes flinty72, LFSStat and LFSLapper use the same object insim for connection, code and decode insim packet. If in the future, insim change again, i change insim object for the two programm. It's so easy

@Yisc[NL]: i don't know for .NET version. I dev and use the 2 version and LFSLapper work also on a old version of mono ( compatible .NET 1.1 i think )

hey, first of all: great work with the new lapper ! thank you

i have a feature request:

is it possible to add different messages for different split times?

like for SP1:

32,0 = Good Split
31,5 = Great Split
31,0 = Unbelievable Split

with configurable split actions to show

and when this is done maybe a configurator for the drivers, where you can set what split times to show, e.g.:

/split great

to show only great and faster split times and not the good ones.

and maybe is it possible to save TPB to a file, so its saved for the next time? at the moment tpb is always deleted when you quit server.

would be wonderful !
Maybe its possible to save TPB date to date (eg during prequalify sessions on many days before race) ?
#12 - [d9]

thanx for your work, i hope in success with debugging of crashes of last lapper versions (and other bugs - eg. drift actions can not be multiple (separator | not work)),

...and some suggestions based on experience with another "similar" lapper utility which can be seen on zion servers:

- admin commands - eg. !stop - stops of reset/quali countdown
- multiple and car/track depend split messages (requires maybe additional .cfg file with table of split times)
- !!! private messages works even when player is in spectate mode !!!

and maybe something from that would be nice too

- !top, !stats commands with options of display other track than current eg. !top BL2R XRG
- simply admin alowed top table edit (!delete BL1 XRT 12 ... or so ... maybe !rename... - usuable mainly in demo i know...)

best regard!
Oi, it looks so much different from the last one! :S

All the CD servers are now running and so for no problems at all, thank you very much, you are always welcome on our servers but since we have had 2 of them full all day its a bit manic

Quote from imthebestracerthereis :Oi, it looks so much different from the last one! :S

it's the same with 2 or 3 add . it's me who are made some change since 3.4 if i remember

I have a request, I got LFSLapper working
But can someone help me whit a insim mod like caribbean cruise?
In now and 2 months i have a LAN-Party, then i wanna do that,

So, please help me
Error message
I get this error message when building.

I have netframework 2.0 installed in my pc.. previous lappers all work great except for this wut can be the problem

and o yes, where's the link for the php version of webstats? is it still compatible with this version of lapper?

and one more question..due to the new insim version the car codes have changed right? so how do I make changes to my old pb.txt file some of the output is "XR GT TURBO" and "XRT"... if I use an editor and replace all "XR GT TURBO" with "XRT" will I have duplicated PBs?
I attached my PB files here:
PB and
Attached files
PB and - 18 KB - 854 views

- For your error mesage, it's seem you use framework 1.1 for compiling. The best way is to install c# visual Studio. You can find it here :

- For the conversion. Lapper do it automatically since my 3.9 version. Don't worry, now lapper will convert your old version PB to new.

- For the future extension to Lapper, if anyone have a time to spent and make a database file (.txt) of track to help me. This file must contain length and reference split for each track reversed or no. Split reference are to visualize message like Split1Action in the cfg file.


i do not understand... i had some lappers before, but its again and again....
Im changing password in cfg file. When im starting lfs server, im giving a command: /insim=29999. When it says: InSim failure; could not initiliaze InSim. What i should to do?
When im starting "NETstartdefault", it says : "could not find file .... /bin/your_file.flt."
Wtf? should i create something? its nothing about it in instructions.
So please help me, if you can. i really wanna have lfs lapper on my server
Great work! Lapper rox!
Hey lapper is working well!

TO Burbulis
Quote :
Im changing password in cfg file. When im starting lfs server, im giving a command: /insim=29999. When it says: InSim failure; could not initiliaze InSim.

I'm not sure on this one, coz it should get any error message..
Are you running a dedicated server or just a normal one?
If you're running dedicated then you just need to change the insim in your setup.cfg file
// optional: InSim port
Just run the server, the insim will be initialised automatically. Then run lapper and the connection will be established.

Quote :
When im starting "NETstartdefault", it says : "could not find file .... /bin/your_file.flt."

I got these error so many times i'm so familiar with them.
Open your LFSLapper.cfg file
locate these statements and put a # sign at the front each of them:

RefreshQualUser = true
QualUsers = &./your_file.flt

that should clean up the problem! good luck!
Hello racers. Help please. Lapper gives the mistake and in a certain time is closed.

Connection OK
Product:S2 Version:0.5X InSim Version:4
Lapper is ranning...
Unknown packet received:SMALL
Unknown packet received:SMALL
Unknown packet received:SMALL
Unknown packet received:SMALL
Unknown packet received:SMALL


"Unknown packet received:SMALL" is a trace dev message, but don't interfer with work of Lapper. Ignore it!

If you have this message, your connection insim work correctly. If lapper close, you have an other message...


PS: Nobody want to help me with file of track . Funny isn't it?
thank you for help very much . no, im running simple server, not dedicated. my friends says that they duno what can it be too :/
ok i have found mistake. big ty good luck for others
#25 - [d9]
Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

PS: Nobody want to help me with file of track . Funny isn't it?

oh... many combinations...
maybe someone with v-com have done similar table.
or its possible to connect to lfsw or something...?
best - just let clear file to set every desired and used combos!
This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )