The online racing simulator
S2 Alpha Patch Q
(160 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Scawen :Every character you see in LFS is two triangles, forming a rectangle, and the texture on those triangles is a texture with transparency. That is the font texture. All characters are rendered onto the font textures when LFS starts up.

And you can watch that working if letters (mostly names) are drawn in front of smoke...
Quote from Don :i think that s2 final version has bigger priority than rallypack

What rumours are there about the rallypack anyways? Any official or half-official info? I think it would be just waste of resources. LFS should concentrate on racing not rallying. Let's leave rallying for RBR.
Anyone else get this?
Anyone else get this? Or know how to get it?

I installed Q and went straight to an online server. Went to the pits, picked my setup, hit the track, and sitting in my stall I was sort of forced to notice the suspension view, just like the one in the pits, taking up the entire right half of my screen. Top to bottom. Looked around in options for a while, no button. Hit every F key and probably most of my letter keys and Shift and CTRL and letter keys. Nothing. The suspension view was still there. In the garage and out, left the server and returned. Still the suspension view covering half my screen. I left the server, went to replay, nothing. Mo more suspension view. Went back to the track, it was still gone.

What button is it? I really want to see the suspension during replays.
Quote from Slartibartfast :Anyone else get this? Or know how to get it?

I installed Q and went straight to an online server. Went to the pits, picked my setup, hit the track, and sitting in my stall I was sort of forced to notice the suspension view, just like the one in the pits, taking up the entire right half of my screen. Top to bottom. Looked around in options for a while, no button. Hit every F key and probably most of my letter keys and Shift and CTRL and letter keys. Nothing. The suspension view was still there. In the garage and out, left the server and returned. Still the suspension view covering half my screen. I left the server, went to replay, nothing.

What button is it? I really want to see the suspension during replays.

Press shift+L
Im too slow..
I found bug by using Japanese keyboard.
Can not enter to text box by pressing T key.
This problem occurred only when using Japanese text conversion(IME).

- Enter text box by pressing T key.
- Enter Japanese conversion mode by "Kanji" key.
- Input Katakana by Roman character.
- Convert to Katakana by pressing F8 key.
- Displayed Katakana after pressing enter key.
- Re-enter to text box.
But can not display text box by pressing T key...
Can not display text box forever after problem occurred.

But working well by P4 patch.
This problem is occurred on P5-P12 and Q patch.
Quote from Vendetta :Press shift+L

LOL Thanks

Then looking at the print out on my desk, which I looked at that night, here it is right here. "suspension cross-section."
This might be a bug for the host patch.
I was on a server earlier. I think it was GM motorsports or something like that.
I 'm not sure which version the server was using......
but anyways.... when you started the rasce, you could see the cars in the mini map at the start, but not "on the track" and the other drivers experience
this too... and in the mini map, it would show me as pulling waaaay far away from the pack at the start, yet in being in 8th or 9th place and no one else on the track.LOL it reminded me of that old twilight zone episode where the astronauts landed on an intergalatic graveyard.
I couldn't see ANY of the other people, yet they showed on the mini map as clustered at the starting line. and I think that effect was the same for everyone else on that particular server. Also, we could still chat to one another.
Also, on the DIGI server I got the BSOD one time trying to log off. That
event was probably my fault since my rocket scientist ass some how
managed open LFS up twice by accident. After a restart, everything was
and is fine AFAIK.
But that weird "twilight zone" effect might warrant looking into as it didn't just happen to me but everyone else that was on that server.
Maybe a bug in the host - server patch?
I might hqave posted this to the above thread... but I didn't know....
is the reason you pre-render the text charaqcters onto two triangles instead of one big rectangle because of fractions and ANSI text?
Exampe: ±, ☺, °, •, etc?
That's because in the gaming world every object is made of triangles. And two triangles is the only way to get a square

The reason behind this is that between three points the area is always flat. If you had rectangles as a base you could position the four points in a way that would make the surface look bent, which would only cause troubles.
Quote from ult1mate X64 :Hey guys is there a way to setup the aa and af without going into the Catalyst Panel, maybe oneday the dev's could also put that option in the game .

and thanks dev's for the update cant wait for the next one .

I use program called RadLinker if I want a certain game to have different AA/AF settings. Handy little program, which leaves no processes running backround.

Thanks for patch Devs
Nice work!!! But i had trouble selecting a car and then leaveing an online server
Quote from Turb0 :Nice work!!! But i had trouble selecting a car and then leaveing an online server

I think you'll have to be a little more specific to make that post useful... What kind of trouble, and what does leaving a server have to do with selecting a car?
Quote from highbridge :I found bug by using Japanese keyboard.
Can not enter to text box by pressing T key.
This problem occurred only when using Japanese text conversion(IME).

- Enter text box by pressing T key.
- Enter Japanese conversion mode by "Kanji" key.
- Input Katakana by Roman character.
- Convert to Katakana by pressing F8 key.
- Displayed Katakana after pressing enter key.
- Re-enter to text box.
But can not display text box by pressing T key...
Can not display text box forever after problem occurred.

But working well by P4 patch.
This problem is occurred on P5-P12 and Q patch.

Oh, that is a pity because this whole section of code was inspired by the Japanese input! Sorry but i can't do anything to fix it now because Q is the official patch, not a test patch (the patches with a number are test patches... we release official patches when we think there are no more bugs - and everyone gets the official patch). Now i have to go and work on other things.

How to fix the problem without me making a change...

Technically, you need to send a WM_KEYDOWN message to LFS with the value VK_T (same as ASCII for 'T'). And that's what opens the text box.

Maybe a programmer can make an external program that sends the WM_KEYDOWN message to LFS.

I am surprised that it doesn't work - we had this problem at one point with Russian and Greek keyboards, when it was translating their keypress into a Russian or Greek character. But the problem was solved, by using the plain WM_KEYDOWN message instead of the translated WM_CHAR message. It must be that the Japanese IME somehow stops the WM_KEYDOWN message from being sent to LFS.
Just to explain in English, instead of programmer language...

I can think of two ways round the problem :

1) Somehow, assign a T keypress to another key or button not used in normal typing.

2) Use an external program to detect a keypress and send a T keypress to LFS.
Presumably this is on the list of things to fix for the next patch (R), right?
Tristan, that post is just spam, please keep up to your usual higher standards.

For example, it would have been more useful, to post something like a keyboard mapping program, that you have tested on a Japanese IME.
Well, actually, I was just asking so that people would know it was a temporary fix they need, or a more permanent fix. Then if you'd had said "No, because of the way it is at the moment, I won't be able to fix this until we get round to another big language update" or "Yes, don't worry I'll get it fixed for the next round of test/official patches".

P.S. The best I could find, bearing in mind I don't have foreign characters installed, and therefore have no understanding of the problems at stake, is this and Allchars
Quote from tristancliffe :Well, actually, I was just asking so that people would know it was a temporary fix they need, or a more permanent fix. Then if you'd had said "No, because of the way it is at the moment, I won't be able to fix this until we get round to another big language update" or "Yes, don't worry I'll get it fixed for the next round of test/official patches".

I guess, if i had a clue how to solve the problem, i might have said something.

As it is, i'm nowhere near that stage. I've just woken up and discovered some bad news about the Japanese input, where the *solution* to the Russian and Greek problem, has apparently, some weeks ago, caused a *problem* with the Japanese version. So, i've already said all i can say, which is : "I can't fix it any time soon, the official patch is out now, and let's try to figure out a way round the problem".

So, given the current situation, where we are just trying to pick up the pieces, i don't really want to be asked what's on my list for the next patch, whose release date and content are totally unknown. Hope you see what i mean.
(xaotik) DELETED by xaotik
they had 7 test patches to report the bug and only do it when it goes live and official under Q.
scawen - maybe it will give you some idea...

Firefox had the same problem at some stage, it looks like the IME is "eating" some keypresses.

But it may be of course completely unrelated.

(I did some IME input text box into one MP game cca. 1 year ago, but I can't recall such problems... than again, I did most testing with korean keyboard, which looks unaffected. I used japanese IME only occasionally and I was working on some (messy!) example from DX9 SDK)
Critical update
Quote :For example, it would have been more useful, to post something like a keyboard mapping program, that you have tested on a Japanese IME.

hey! who's the programmer here? If Scawen wants the forum posters to solve technical problems for him maybe he just assigns them to us, I start implementing DirectX 9 effects like smoke and debris

On topic: I think you can't address every possible issue with every release, there will be always small fixes around but maybe just as small fix in the R branch will do.
i'm not sure if understood weel the japanese problem, but following Scawen suggestion while reading this post i made a very small program to quick fix it.

it is an application that resides into the tray of the windows taskbar (right click to exit or suspend/activate it), it does only the following thing: when you press CRTL+SHIFT+0 (<- this is the zero key, it is not an O like otello), it sends the T keystroke to the focused application, if needed i can dynamically activate it only for LFS but let's first see if it works...

PS i do not have the Q patch installed, so i can't reproduce it
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Quote from Scawen :Oh, that is a pity because this whole section of code was inspired by the Japanese input! Sorry but i can't do anything to fix it now because Q is the official patch, not a test patch (the patches with a number are test patches... we release official patches when we think there are no more bugs - and everyone gets the official patch). Now i have to go and work on other things.

How to fix the problem without me making a change...

Technically, you need to send a WM_KEYDOWN message to LFS with the value VK_T (same as ASCII for 'T'). And that's what opens the text box.

Maybe a programmer can make an external program that sends the WM_KEYDOWN message to LFS.

I am surprised that it doesn't work - we had this problem at one point with Russian and Greek keyboards, when it was translating their keypress into a Russian or Greek character. But the problem was solved, by using the plain WM_KEYDOWN message instead of the translated WM_CHAR message. It must be that the Japanese IME somehow stops the WM_KEYDOWN message from being sent to LFS.

I have checked WM_KEYDOWN and VK_T values.
Press Japanese conversion key: E5(Hex)
Press T key: 54(Hex)

Is this information useful?
Sorry I'm not Windows programmer.illepall
This thread is closed

S2 Alpha Patch Q
(160 posts, closed, started )