Every other forum ive been on theres a really good atmosphere and you can post stuff for a laugh, or ask peoples opinions on anything.
But on here everything seems so serious, and most people tend to just argue and argue with each other. For example the Jakg to be a moderator thread could of been and ideal target for a bit of a laugh and a banter but the mods seem to just spoil it all and close most threads that people enjoy to post about.
The only thing that draws me to the forum is the technical assistance, skins and setups etc etc.
What do i want you may ask ??? all of you to lighten up a little bit

But on here everything seems so serious, and most people tend to just argue and argue with each other. For example the Jakg to be a moderator thread could of been and ideal target for a bit of a laugh and a banter but the mods seem to just spoil it all and close most threads that people enjoy to post about.
The only thing that draws me to the forum is the technical assistance, skins and setups etc etc.
What do i want you may ask ??? all of you to lighten up a little bit