The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
Hi Monk

@termi : Try this and send me a report

Attached files - 41.4 KB - 514 views
This one will work for me .
the screeen will clear some?
I don't change anything . I just add trace. Funny

hmm, nothing is changed on Serverside.
And now?

*edit: can we do some to clear it up?
may it have to do with Windows Server 2003 64 bit?
*** edit
icq installed for talking, uin is 150016
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :WebStats updated to work with new LFSLapper output files. Note that html example changed too (short name of cars).

ohhh thank you so much cufko !!!!!! it works perfect !!!!!!! im happy jeje lapper 4.0 and this webstats v1.3 works very well !!!!
Quote from NelsonGPV :Can any one tell me how I can disable de !top command from the main.cs we did it on the last version and work great however We have not been able to do it on the new version.

this screen shots is how we didi it last time with the previous version.

Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :You can try changing compiler to v2. Edit WinMSBuild.bat with notepad and replace v1.1.4322 with v2.0.50727.
Then start it.

i do this but doesn't works see this pic:

i have installed the .net framework v2.0.50727, what must be the problem???
Quote from NeoArnold :i do this but doesn't works see this pic:

It looks ok. I don't see any error, only some warnings . Is new exe file created ?
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :It looks ok. I don't see any error, only some warnings . Is new exe file created ?

lol hehehehe the new .exe was created (but i don't see last time), sorry my friend, it works perfect !!!! i modify the source of "Main.cs" and now it works just like we need it, together with the new webstats v1.3 its a wonderful tools.

Thank you again so much,

this are our gratefulness:


I release this version only for test purpose. Send me a bug report.

Don't forget to put file trackInfo.cfg in your exe folder. This file is in cfg folder.

Quote :+--------------------------+
|Changes from v4.00 to 4.10|
1. Now message with command like !help, !top, ... can be sent to player in pit stop or in spectate mode

2. Fix insim difference between insim3 and insim4, split infos differ

3. Add file trackInfo.cfg for splitting ( 100.5% of WR split ) action and track length . Multisplitting time action and MaxLapTime for track/car and
query of D9 : "- multiple and car/track depend split messages (requires maybe additional .cfg file with table of split times)"
Split1, Split2, Split3, Split1Action, Split2Action, Split3Action and MaxLapTime are removed for configuration file (LFSLapper.cfg). now not used

4. Add the possibility to display average speed only for last split notify : {AvgSpeed}

Attached files - 148.6 KB - 616 views
Big Thanks and great work !

I tried it out and the new functions are working !

Just 2 things for now:

1st: How can i shutdown the lapper clean? If i just close the dos-window i get "Insim - UDP : no slots available" in Dedicated Host Window and after a while "Insim Timeout : LFSStat"

and 2nd thing:

On BL1/XFG I get the following error message after passing the 2nd split line:

The "trackInfo.cfg" looks as follows:

Split1Action = /msg ^1Unbelievable 1st split^7 ({SplitTime}) ^8by^7 {Nickname}^8 !:/msg ^2Great 1st split^7 ({SplitTime}) ^8by^7 {Nickname}^8 !:/msg ^3Good 1st split^7 ({SplitTime}) ^8by^7 {Nickname}^8 !
Split2Action = /msg ^1Unbelievable 1st split^7 ({SplitTime}) ^8by^7 {Nickname}^8 !:/msg ^2Great 2nd split^7 ({SplitTime}) ^8by^7 {Nickname}^8 !:/msg ^3Good 2nd split^7 ({SplitTime}) ^8by^7 {Nickname}^8 !
Split3Action = /msg ^1Unbelievable 1st split^7 ({SplitTime}) ^8by^7 {Nickname}^8 !:/msg ^2Great 3rd split^7 ({SplitTime}) ^8by^7 {Nickname}^8 !:/msg ^3Good 3rd split^7 ({SplitTime}) ^8by^7 {Nickname}^8 !
track = BL1
len = 3.4
car = XFG
MaxLapTime = 2.00.00
split1 = 0.31.11:0.31.20:0.31.45
split2 = 1.05:55:1.05.75:1.06.10
car = XRT
MaxLapTime = 2.00.00
split1 = 0.27.77
split2 = 0.58.49
car = XRG
MaxLapTime = 2.00.00
split1 = 0.31.15
split2 = 1.05.41
track = BL1R
len = 3.4
car = XFG
MaxLapTime = 2.21.13
split1 = 0.27.08
split2 = 1.03.78
car = XRT
MaxLapTime = 2.06.72
split1 = 0.24.54
split2 = 0.57.17
car = XRG
MaxLapTime = 2.20.94
split1 = 0.27.09
split2 = 1.03.58

ok, now i tried with 2 different split actions on the splits, instead of 3.. and voila, its working !

so i hope you know, where to look at into the code now

Split1Action = /msg ^2Great 1st split^7 ({SplitTime}) ^8by^7 {Nickname}^8 !:/msg ^3Good 1st split^7 ({SplitTime}) ^8by^7 {Nickname}^8 !
Split2Action = /msg ^2Great 2nd split^7 ({SplitTime}) ^8by^7 {Nickname}^8 !:/msg ^3Good 2nd split^7 ({SplitTime}) ^8by^7 {Nickname}^8 !
Split3Action = /msg ^2Great 3rd split^7 ({SplitTime}) ^8by^7 {Nickname}^8 !:/msg ^3Good 3rd split^7 ({SplitTime}) ^8by^7 {Nickname}^8 !
track = BL1
len = 3.4
car = XFG
MaxLapTime = 2.00.00
split1 = 0.31.20:0.31.45
split2 = 1.05.75:1.06.10
car = XRT
MaxLapTime = 2.00.00
split1 = 0.27.77
split2 = 0.58.49
car = XRG
MaxLapTime = 2.00.00
split1 = 0.31.15
split2 = 1.05.41
track = BL1R
len = 3.4
car = XFG
MaxLapTime = 2.21.13
split1 = 0.27.08
split2 = 1.03.78
car = XRT
MaxLapTime = 2.06.72
split1 = 0.24.54
split2 = 0.57.17
car = XRG
MaxLapTime = 2.20.94
split1 = 0.27.09
split2 = 1.03.58

Le Pb is here :

split2 = 1.05:55:1.05.75:1.06.10

you have a ':' and not '.'. The correct line is :

split2 = 1.05.55:1.05.75:1.06.10

ah great ! Thanks !

Then forget all i said, please

So only good thing would be a shutdown thing for the lapper, like /quit or something, to close it clean.
Hi Gai-Luron

In a future version can you to cause that it gave points in the races (racing licensing)?

Sorry my bad English
great, thanks so much for the webstats i've been waiting for it!

I want to know why when i start LFS lapper, after LFS DEDI (with the command /insim 29999), i see this

Can you help me, please ?
Attached images
im playing with the shedule action, but have a small problem:

# To escape ':' type '\:' if you want ':' in your message.
ScheduledAction =
0 15 * * * * |/msg ^3visit us ^1 >^7http\:// ^1<|

the link is cut in lfs and only "...http\" is displayed. what is the correct way, to display the whole url?
i also had the same problem I wanted to tell my racers the time every ten minutes. But somehow it doesn't work when using \ in front of the :
Try to write like this :

ScheduledAction =
0 15 * * * * |/msg ^3visit us ^1 >^7http{colon}// ^1<|

or like this

ScheduledAction =
0 15 * * * * |/msg ^3visit us ^1 >^7http \: // ^1<|

(let space behind and after "\:" combinaison)
Thank You !!
hey monkster it's me again, I have a minor prob with webstats 1.3 that you just released
i'm running my own winxp home server, and i have configured apache to run ExecCGI. The cgi runs, but it doesn't display any pbs, but only the headers of the table. It's weird, coz with the same files it displays the pbs nicely on my webserver at
is it the binary or ascii thing again?? I figured that when i save the pb.txt file (just opening and saving, no changes made) the cgi would give the error "could not open" is this some windows-linux memory issue again?? When I run the cgi with the unsaved file it only displays the headers, and the footers. The stuff in between is missing what's happening? I checked the logs and found no errors, that means the cgi ran fine but why did it skip the displaypb function it sorta went through the main function and that's it
this is the LFSLapper thread, Webstats got its own thread

@gwendoline: first method with {colon} is working very well ! 2nd method will brake the link into 2 lines
#73 - [d9]

great work!
only suggestion - 100.5% of wr is too low and very relative... maybe constant increment might better - +0,5s in 1st split, +1,0s in 2nd split etc... or some hybrid model... (after quick look at BL1 XRT 1st split 27.77 in cfg - too hard
going to test stability!

best regard!

Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

I release this version only for test purpose. Send me a bug report.

Don't forget to put file trackInfo.cfg in your exe folder. This file is in cfg folder.


Quote from wonderous :hey monkster it's me again, I have a minor prob with webstats 1.3 that you just released
i'm running my own winxp home server, and i have configured apache to run ExecCGI. The cgi runs, but it doesn't display any pbs, but only the headers of the table. It's weird, coz with the same files it displays the pbs nicely on my webserver at
is it the binary or ascii thing again?? I figured that when i save the pb.txt file (just opening and saving, no changes made) the cgi would give the error "could not open" is this some windows-linux memory issue again?? When I run the cgi with the unsaved file it only displays the headers, and the footers. The stuff in between is missing what's happening? I checked the logs and found no errors, that means the cgi ran fine but why did it skip the displaypb function it sorta went through the main function and that's it

if you displays the headers of the table, the cgi is running !! now you need to check your options in the line of http. i mean, some names of the cars are change for a shorts names, maybe that is the problem, this is an example: ... to=100&pbfile=fox.txt
check the source of the webstats.html example in the folder of the new 1.3 version
I believe ConeDodgers use lapper don't they? Attached is a bug where I get spectated while driving, and using a different nickname. I have two more replays just like it, but they're too large to attach.
Attached files
inci lapper bug 3.mpr - 400.7 KB - 416 views
This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )