The online racing simulator
S2 Alpha Patch Q
(160 posts, closed, started )
Quote from highbridge :I have checked WM_KEYDOWN and VK_T values.
Press Japanese conversion key: E5(Hex)
Press T key: 54(Hex)

Is this information useful?
Sorry I'm not Windows programmer.illepall

It may or ,may not be useful.. but it sure would have been more useful several weeks ago poor old Scawen has been working under false assumptions since P5.. and that must be frustrating..

Lets all just take a lesson from this though and when we see a bug in a test patch report it ASAP (not just use the last working one and say nothing ) so that Scawen has acurate information to work from, he is relying on us that choose to "try" the test patches to report problems in a timely manner (I'm guilty here to, so I'm not blaming.. I often think ah someone else will report it or they probably know ) if we don't do this he will be programming under false assumptions which will just make the process more dificult..

I hope you can find a solution Highbridge, did you try the program Honey made it sounds promising..
About the correspondence of the problem of a Japanese keyboard.

The katakana is normally displayed when the following operating procedures are executed, and
it seems that T key can be operated afterwards.

(1) T key is pushed (The text box is displayed).
(2)The kanji key is pushed (Enter the conversion mode of Japan).
(3) The katakana is input by the Roman alphabet.
(4) After it converts it into the katakana pushing the F8 key, 'Enter' is pushed (The katakana is displayed to the text box).
(5)The kanji key is pushed again. (For release. )
(6)'Enter' is pushed. (The katakana character is fixed and display it. )

However, the procedure for becoming a problem here is an operation of (5).
T key doesn't react through all eternity afterwards when this operation (5) is omitted, and (6) is executed ('Enter' is pushed).
(In this case, if LFS.exe is not reactivated, do not operate. )

The bug occurs when the point that becomes a problem has changed the order of
operating (5) and (6).

Operational sequence Ok bug

Do it become help of something corrected?
Please correct it if it is possible to correct it easily.
(detail) DELETED by detail : aaa
@ Scawen: here is the Russian version of LFS keys file. Please, include it in the future patches.

It is a UTF-8 TXT file. It is readable by WinXP Notepad.
Attached files
Keys_Russian.txt - 10.1 KB - 582 views
I guess I have to get my desktop computer working again, to test patch Q. It only runs in safe-mode, and crash whenever I use my keyboard.
Edit: That is whenever runing my computer, not related to LFS at all. (end edit)
Quote from deggis :What rumours are there about the rallypack anyways? Any official or half-official info? I think it would be just waste of resources. LFS should concentrate on racing not rallying. Let's leave rallying for RBR.

I dont see the big differece in racing rallycross and rallying, except in rallycross you go round the same track several times, and rallying you do several course from A to B, also while rallying you mainly race against the clock, and compare the different times after the race.

I know there are a few different rules for cars enering a competition, but it's still driving a car on gavel, tarmark, and/or other surfaces. I think rally in LFS can wait for S3 or even a later stage. I would rather welcome more weather i LFS, like rain/snow/ice, and a fewe tires to cope with that.

I guess RBR = Richard Burns Rally, yes it's great! Also Xpand Rally is great! I bought gForce6 only because of them a year ago or so, while LFS stil was at S1, my old gForce2 was enough for LFS. But RBR needed som harware feature, and XR just needed more powerfull hardware.
Don't worry, guys, Scawen needs to spend quite a few time on rally, it won't take time from weather. It's up to Eric to make proper tracks.
you can no ban a player from the demo server ;(
/ban PLAYER 1
wil not work!
Yes, I was on a demo server today and admin was trying to ban someone with coloured name. He tried few times and instead of command being applied it just appeared as a chat message from him in red colour: /ban <someone>. That someone's name's colours were original (last character was red I think), only /ban was in red. Not sure if that is a bug or admin's mistake.
Quote from Vykos69 :All cars will profit from the updates, cause all cars work with the same physics engine, and when that one gets updated... So all Hotlaps will be useless then

All ?
Like all all ?

Quote from Scawen :So, given the current situation, where we are just trying to pick up the pieces, i don't really want to be asked what's on my list for the next patch, whose release date and content are totally unknown. Hope you see what i mean.

Yeah get it... What's next on the list ?
(kitchen to do list )
good work my FPS has increased 10 -12 fps

magic indeed
Quote from GianniC :Yeah get it... What's next on the list ?
(kitchen to do list )

The Birthday Party!
Well, I went from P1 to Q and did few FPS tests with both versions, I used LFS Benchmark replay but my own graphics settings (most of them are max):
Frames: 3833 - Time: 103889ms - Avg: 36.895 - Min: 23 - Max: 56 P1
Frames: 3825 - Time: 103647ms - Avg: 36.904 - Min: 23 - Max: 56 P1
Frames: 4085 - Time: 103616ms - Avg: 39.424 - Min: 25 - Max: 61 Q
Frames: 4081 - Time: 103538ms - Avg: 39.415 - Min: 24 - Max: 60 Q

The option to paint the text in licence plate is cool :banana:.
Overall: good job .

Edit: OT, sry . Just did another FPS test with LFS Benchmark replay:
Frames: 5861 - Time: 109606ms - Avg: 53.473 - Min: 38 - Max: 65 H:bannana_g.

Edit2: Yes, I could paint the licence plate text in P1 too. Why did I not know this before? Maybe because lot of others didn't know it too:sadbanana.
Quote from Renku :The option to paint the text in licence plate is cool :banana:.

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I painted the text on the license plate already in P2...
sorry to disappoint you, but I painted it in S1....
Quote from GianniC :All ?
Like all all ?

Yes, what happens if you change speed of light in reality? Everything would be different. So all Hotlaps will be useless cause they have been done on an older physics engine. Change engine = ALL cars behave different.
EDIT: I can see things that don't exist.
Anybody recognized that the "Connecting to Server" Screen is now in a Window and not in Fullscreen anymore? All other LfS Screens are Fullscreen. Just this one is not.

Well, I don't care so much because it doesn't cause any troubles. Just wondering if it's only me...

If this question was already answered in this thread... Well, then do it again please!
#143 - Don
Quote from --==Gogo==-- :Anybody recognized that the "Connecting to Server" Screen is now in a Window and not in Fullscreen anymore? All other LfS Screens are Fullscreen. Just this one is not.

Well, I don't care so much because it doesn't cause any troubles. Just wondering if it's only me...

If this question was already answered in this thread... Well, then do it again please! every patch (maybe not in test patches) it changes to windowed mode when you are getting servers list. to turn this off, go to multiplayer->window while connecting? [yes/no]
Quote from Don every patch (maybe not in test patches) it changes to windowed mode when you are getting servers list. to turn this off, go to multiplayer->window while connecting? [yes/no]

i like it that it is the way it is. Because if i update my lfs the firewall says the program has changed and then i have to give it new rights, wich is easy because lfs is in windowed mode then
erhm, yeah, good job, more fps, less "BUG: tooo much physics stuff on track" is displayed, wheel worx proper again (maybe this is caused by w2k), english n german language work excellent...
y the colouring button 4 text changed, i wondered, why ^1! didnt give a red ! till i read it somewhere...found out yesterday, it worx with mouse, too

gonna now !
Quote from Vykos69 :Yes, what happens if you change speed of light in reality? Everything would be different. So all Hotlaps will be useless cause they have been done on an older physics engine. Change engine = ALL cars behave different.

Will there be a time, when it is "safe" to upload HL's then ?
Even efter the next major physics update ?
Yes, then S2 goes final. That means there will only be a physics patch if some huge flaw is noticed, a big bug is found, or a hacker takes advantage of a loophole in the physics engine. But this is unlikely, so that era could be considered, like much of S1 was, a physics plateau.

But during Alpha stage, I think the devs should pay no attention to the players and release patches as and when. But thats just me, and I know the devs think differently, so I'll take it their way.
IIRC S2 is meant to be nearly complete physics for that racing that is available at the moment.

Other physics for things such as wet racing will be in S3 i think.
Was the main plan for S3 not just to increase content and features rather than physics?
Thanks for the patch, but I have a problem, (this may sound stupid ) when I go to the F12 menu the up/down arrow highlights different things like it has always done, but when I use the left/right arrows it won't let me chnage anything, I know this is probably blindingly obvious but I can't see whats wrong?
Make sure your Keyboard controls (have to switch to it from Wheel controls) in the game are using LEFT/RIGHT for Keyboard steering? If so, you have to unbind the left/right steering in keyboard controls, then switch back to Wheel, should work then. If not, I dunno
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S2 Alpha Patch Q
(160 posts, closed, started )