The online racing simulator

UF1000GTR on the street.

kinda misssed the stop sign lol.. wheres the shadow?

Guess it was just too slow, since he stopped past the stop sign..
wow that's really sweet!
Yup, just looks so real Matrixi. Very nice job
(deggis) DELETED by deggis
12 hours? OMGG!!!
well, may i add it to the ZT-gallery?
Quote from ORION :12 hours? OMGG!!!
well, may i add it to the ZT-gallery?

Sure thing, it would be an honor
Orion, that gallery is getting better and better. Loads of great photos in their. I definatly think you should contact a dev, and ask them to put the link to the gallery on
Heh that is sweet man! Yeah the FZ does look like a Z mostly, this fits perfect for an edit. gj.
Going to add that soon hehe, excellent job m8

Vendetta: Yea it's getting good, but I'd feel a biut crappy because there are still so many good pics left, and too many bad in there (my first ones :P )

If I had the time, I would have updated the code and allowed people to upload their pics themselves, but it's not very possible atm, because studying takes quite some time
Not a masterpiece really (actually it's very crap), but editing took me so long that I had to upload it
Attached images
Looks nice, just a little tweak here and there, enlarge it and I'd use it for my desktop bg
Thats actually pretty cool! Its a tad to dark though if you ask me.
that looks awesome.. i think the lightning fits ok..

umm matrixi could we hook up on messenger? I'd like to learn a few tips.. Im sure i can keep up with you (im not that new in Photoshop! )

THREAD HIJACKED! (sorry had to! :P)
YIKES! Good stuff!!!
Quote from Matrixi :Yet, another one. I know, I know.. I'm obsessed with rain but I promise this is the last rain one

Phill, you can add me to your msn but I dunno how much help I can be.

Oh my god! Amazing, really damn nice!
another one for the ZT-gallery hehe
/me likes
Backfire sucks tho :/ I'm not 100% happy with it..
If you update the pic let me know... I will add it then.
Will do. I just need a good photo of a car backfiring. Googling for few hours didnt help
Its hard to find a picture of a car backfiring at the right angle, but i did get some pics from GT4 of a car backfiring. Im sure they could be of some help: ... x2/GT4/MR2_Backfire_2.jpg ... /saintdog/GT4/IMG0024.jpg

One of those should be able to help you make on yourself, or you could directly copy it from the pictures.

Edited pics
(14106 posts, started )