The online racing simulator
I have decided to finish the work on my first skin and uploaded the skins here. I hope you guys like it
Attached images
That looks very good Hope you liked making it (as you said in the wip section it was your first)
Well, normally I like more making shapes in 3DS Max but 'til there's no option to make them for LFS I'm trying to have fun with making skins
Is there somewhere F1 2007 Season skinpack out ?
most of the skins for the 2007 season are out but the Honda skin i dont think is finished yet
Quote from GWADanny :most of the skins for the 2007 season are out but the Honda skin i dont think is finished yet

Yep, i looked yesterday - its WIP and the skinner is now gone somewhere
Good job mate.
Quote from Racervieh14 :I have already made a little preview pic. But thx anyway

Nice job Racervieh....thanks mate
Wow, I haven't expected that much positive comments
Thx a lot guys, it's really nice to be here
BF1 Owna!!

I'm from brazilian and my english is very bad
Quote from RENNNNN :BF1 Owna!!

I'm from brazilian and my english is very bad

Have you driven teh almighty BF1?

Anyone have the Renault 2007 skin?
Quote from RENNNNN :BF1 Owna!!

I'm from brazilian and my english is very bad

:bananadea ?
Quote from RENNNNN :Please, make a new HONDA car!!! =]]

Log in with your S2 account, it will save you a lot of trouble. IF you only have a demo account DO NOT ask for skins you can't use, it will get you banned.

Someone is working on the Honda skin.
Quote from garph :Log in with your S2 account, it will save you a lot of trouble. IF you only have a demo account DO NOT ask for skins you can't use, it will get you banned.

Someone is working on the Honda skin.

I am not finding where to make this, I have my Original LFS with the codes, more I I do not find where boot them.
do i smell burning banana's?
Quote from Sponge : do i smell burning banana's?

Well, so do I, but i remember being accussed of having a crack when i dindn't have a clue of what it was!(I didn't have one by the way)
Somebody would have skin file of Honda BF1 2007?
It forgives me for the English, therefore I am Brazilian and I am using a translator!
Quote from lukfonseca :Somebody would have skin file of Honda BF1 2007?
It forgives me for the English, therefore I am Brazilian and I am using a translator!

É um trabalho em andamento
(Its a WIP)
Honda RA107
Jenson Button's 2007 Honda

its not perfect but i hope it'll do for now

(1024 version added, might look a little cleaner)
Attached images

BF1 Skins
(1680 posts, started )