Quote from riskredruM :Wenn LFS abstürzt kann es eigentlich nur sein dass entweder die Dateien falsche Namen haben oder die Einträge in der gauges.ini falsch sind. Zieh dir die Zip vllt mal neu.

Komplett neu gezogen, geht nich
Quote from screama :Komplett neu gezogen, geht nich

hmmm.....better english again

Ok, i have tested it with windows Vista Ultimate 64bit now. No problem.

Anyone an idea ??
Update, see first post.
Now you can set value for gauges_visible and needle_visible. If you want to make a backround with all gauges within.
Quote from riskredruM :Update, see first post.
...If you want to make a backround with all gauges within.

you mean all the bauges in one single TGA file ? like a cluster ? if is it, PERFECT.
Quote from Dudles :you mean all the bauges in one single TGA file ? like a cluster ? if is it, PERFECT.

Yes, you can paint a backround with all gauges on it. And then set f.e. rpm_gauges_enabled to 0 and rpm_needle_enabled to 1.
So only the needle will appear on screen.
This function can be set for speed, rpm, fuel, turbo.
The backround is allways the first "layer" then gauges .. lights .. needles
Quote from riskredruM :Yes, you can paint a backround with all gauges on it. And then set f.e. rpm_gauges_enabled to 0 and rpm_needle_enabled to 1.
So only the needle will appear on screen.
This function can be set for speed, rpm, fuel, turbo.
The backround is allways the first "layer" then gauges .. lights .. needles

I'm afraid there's nothing else to ask... GREAT Job mate... really good.
Tested on Vista Ultimate 32 Bit,Vista Business,XP SP2.Working on all of these.
Testet 09 -> works!

I dont know what was wrong with 08
I downloaded v0.9 .. where in my lfs folder do i put the d3d8.dll (i have that not in my lfs folder yet...) and where do i put all the files wich are in the map Gauges in de zip file.. in DDS folder????
Plss Help me!
Quote from jw.donkey :I downloaded v0.9 .. where in my lfs folder do i put the d3d8.dll (i have that not in my lfs folder yet...) and where do i put all the files wich are in the map Gauges in de zip file.. in DDS folder????
Plss Help me!

in the Root folder[where LFS is]
i put d3d8.dll and all the files in the Root folder.. put when i start LFS,, Lfs Crashes...

what can i do
The File "d3d8.dll" and the folder "gauges" have to be there.
Not the *.tga Files directly in the LFS Folder.

Normaly you have only to extract the zip into your LF Folder.
little doubt... what is "strg +" how do i use it ingame ?
"STRG +" means "CTRL +" .... press CTRL + ARROWKEY to move the frame
Ok. There´s a problem with Backround and the gauges. If you change resolution it doesn´t fit anymore.

The problem is the different dimensions of the graphics.

I decide to change position settings from % to pixel.

If there´s any reason against it, please tell me.

I changed Code now and testing it atm. Looks good. In 30 minutes i will release the next Version. Please test it.
Update, see first post.
it works.... PERFECT!!!

speed/rpm gauge is very accurate!
turbo is optimized for GTR-cars (100% = line between yellow an red section)
fuel gauge becomes red (the symbol + lines under the needle) under 10% (10% = line between yellow end red).

speed / tc / shift-light LEDs

now workin on gear-window
Attached images

Hab mir jetzt die letze version von dir gezogen. Installiert und läuft alles perfekt, aber bei der grafik musste noch was ändern. hab unten das bild angehängen, der FO8 dreht leider über die angezeigenten 8. Würde mal sagen 10 oder 11 müssten das sein
Attached images
Quote from Electricwolf :Sprachwechsel

Hab mir jetzt die letze version von dir gezogen. Installiert und läuft alles perfekt, aber bei der grafik musste noch was ändern. hab unten das bild angehängen, der FO8 dreht leider über die angezeigenten 8. Würde mal sagen 10 oder 11 müssten das sein

Die Dateien im Download sind nur ein Beispiel. Ich habe keine Ahnung von Grafik.
Ich hoffe aber dass screama mir seine für den Release schicken kann

Sieht nämlich extrem cremig aus
Now you can cycle between 5 Gauges in LFS by pressing ALT-Key.
riskredruM is on fire! One update after another.
I hope he still finds some time to work on another project of him (Telemetry on a laptop)
so... updated version!

Attached images
mines is glitchy when shift with the gas on the gauges move up and theres a extreme lag betwwen the game and gauges moving
Quote from funnybone2 :mines is glitchy when shift with the gas on the gauges move up and theres a extreme lag betwwen the game and gauges moving

did you alt+tab out/in the game?
I want a dashboard just like Screama !

How can I proceed to have such a nice dashboard with four gauges : Speed - RPM - Turbo and fuel just like screama's one.

Thank's a lot for your help

Normal dashboard with two gauges works fine with anagauges v 0.11 in my LFS version (w) but I want more gauges.

New Analog Gauges in LFS (Alpha)
(788 posts, started )