i have downloaded GT:HD onto my PS3 (Demo version though) and idk whether there still improving the graphics, but i find the graphics really rough. Before you flame me, let me explain. On GT:HD, the people, streets, tarmac, buildings, mountains, trees, grass and all that stuff looks really nice, but, then onto the cars. The lights on the cars look nicely detailed, but the actual car itself looks VERY rough imho. It looks as if they have little or no AA/AF. Also, i think the physics are worse then GT4, for example, i have unlocked all the cars on the demo version (standard AND tuned) and if you go round T1 before the jump less than 15mph, you start to slide off the road and get billows of smoke. I much prefer GT4's physics over GT'Hd's. and about the graphics, i have a HD tv with a HD cable on the best display setting (1080i) so it's to its best possible state of looks, yet it still looks rougher than a pineapple!!