The online racing simulator
Correcting oversteer.
(8 posts, started )
Correcting oversteer.
Can someone give me some tips on getting the hang of correcting oversteer?

At the moment it seems to be all or nothing - either I'm gentle with the power, don't get any wheelspin and so don't get any oversteer to correct, or I'm a bit heavy with the power, get a tiny bit of wheelspin and spin every single time. Its the same whatever I try - I must have tried 30 laps this evening and aither I get no oversteer at all, or I instantly spin.

I've had a look at some WR replays and they seem to hit full throttle as soon as they pass the apex - if I even attempted this I'd spin before I had a chance to even try and correct anything.

This is really holding me back from driving the RWD cars, (it does this with every single RWD car, even the XRG) and its beginning to get beyond a challenge and begin to get just plain iriitating.

Oh, I'm using a DFP.
Heres a perfect example. I just about catch the oversteer the first time, then just lose it a few corners later. This seems to happen no matter how much I practice.
Attached files
Crashgate3_AS1_XRG_3.spr - 32.1 KB - 196 views
You are reacting far too slow to the slide. When you spin you can hear the tyres letting go for about 2 seconds before you try and correct. Also when you do correct you seem to do it awfully slow. I dont have a dfp so perhaps the larger wheel rotation is making it harder.
Here is my testdrive of the car. Im not saying im a good driver but this is how i counter oversteer.
Attached files
sil3ntwar_AS1_XRG.spr - 54.4 KB - 193 views
Quote from Crashgate3 :Heres a perfect example. I just about catch the oversteer the first time, then just lose it a few corners later. This seems to happen no matter how much I practice.

You didn't release the gas enough when you were correcting the slide, in fact it looks as though you even accelerated a bit towards the end. When you correct the slide you need to lift as well to balance the weight.

I seem to rememeber there's a way of altering the levels for each type of sound. How can I do this, as increasing the volume of the skid sounds might let me realise its happening a bit sooner.
Options > Audio > Skid Volume
Haha.. I suppose I should have looked. Didn't realise it was that obvious

Correcting oversteer.
(8 posts, started )