The thing is, i am getting pi**ed off for being called "MTV boy", "commercial boy", and other stuff by my friends...
I wanted to know opinion of other people on this subject.
My friends all of a sudden(over night so to say) become some garage/underground/"we did't earn a dollar in our carrier" band fans...
They don't want to go to clubs, parties anymore where there's house/club music, r'n'b, etc... They somehow "over grown" that...
(we are in mid 20-ies).
While i don't have anything against bands like Kaiser Chiefs, Muse, Bily Childlish(they digg him out of museum and is one of their favoritues now), the thing is... i don't wanna listen to that kind of music when i go out, it doesn't cut it for me, if you know what i'm saying..
To go home from work, nervous/angry and to play Bily Childlish is redicolous, it doesn't do anything to my emotions you know, i wanna listen to something that has some emotions in it, like Coldplay, Linkin Park, Barry White, Sade, Ace of Base, etc.. something that i can relate to, something that quirks my emotions up and let me feel better in that moment...
The other day, i mentioned how i would pay as much as it takes and went alone if Linkin Park ever comes to Belgrade or near it. They gave me that cheesy laugh, like "how can you go to that commercial junk".
Well, excuse me, but isn't it every musician/band upmost goal to become popular in what they do and, "god forbidden", earn some cash? You are not popular because you suck! You are popular for a reason!
It's like saying Rodger Federer is a commercial junkie, he plays on big tournaments and earns cash, and he is popular..... commercial scumb*g, he only cares for the money and popularity..
He should play in the dirt or play the "Albanian Open" instead of "Wimbledon"... 
Are you still with me... sorry for my poor sentence making skills in english, i hope you can grasp what i am trying to say here...
While i apreciate the garage bands, you can't say that those who end up on MTV/VH1 are crap! How pathetic and jealous is that?
Yea, sure, there's the "MTV generation" who mainly listens to Britney, Christina, Back street boys, but you can't generalize it like that. It's like who ever singer/band makes it, become popular (for a reason, remember) and starts to earn money, they imediately become "MTV commercial boys", low, selfish and money eating bastards...
I'm sorry but i don't have the time to digg some "underground" sites/forums or go to basements to listen to bands and seak for some quality music (no offense to you guys). There's certainly some high quality music there to be find, but how can i find out about it? And to be honest, i can't be bothered... I admit, i love to see music videos and can like the song more if i see a video of it. Call me cheap, yea..
For instance Linkin Park, however you may call them, "Stupid MTV generation" band or whatever, they burst something in me, i get all full of adrenalin and really kicks in some emotions in me. So am i fool because of that? A cheap, low quality MTV boy?
Sorry, i had to get that out of me, and i am really coriuos to see what you guys think about all this...
I wanted to know opinion of other people on this subject.
My friends all of a sudden(over night so to say) become some garage/underground/"we did't earn a dollar in our carrier" band fans...
They don't want to go to clubs, parties anymore where there's house/club music, r'n'b, etc... They somehow "over grown" that...

While i don't have anything against bands like Kaiser Chiefs, Muse, Bily Childlish(they digg him out of museum and is one of their favoritues now), the thing is... i don't wanna listen to that kind of music when i go out, it doesn't cut it for me, if you know what i'm saying..
To go home from work, nervous/angry and to play Bily Childlish is redicolous, it doesn't do anything to my emotions you know, i wanna listen to something that has some emotions in it, like Coldplay, Linkin Park, Barry White, Sade, Ace of Base, etc.. something that i can relate to, something that quirks my emotions up and let me feel better in that moment...
The other day, i mentioned how i would pay as much as it takes and went alone if Linkin Park ever comes to Belgrade or near it. They gave me that cheesy laugh, like "how can you go to that commercial junk".
Well, excuse me, but isn't it every musician/band upmost goal to become popular in what they do and, "god forbidden", earn some cash? You are not popular because you suck! You are popular for a reason!
It's like saying Rodger Federer is a commercial junkie, he plays on big tournaments and earns cash, and he is popular..... commercial scumb*g, he only cares for the money and popularity..

Are you still with me... sorry for my poor sentence making skills in english, i hope you can grasp what i am trying to say here...
While i apreciate the garage bands, you can't say that those who end up on MTV/VH1 are crap! How pathetic and jealous is that?
Yea, sure, there's the "MTV generation" who mainly listens to Britney, Christina, Back street boys, but you can't generalize it like that. It's like who ever singer/band makes it, become popular (for a reason, remember) and starts to earn money, they imediately become "MTV commercial boys", low, selfish and money eating bastards...
I'm sorry but i don't have the time to digg some "underground" sites/forums or go to basements to listen to bands and seak for some quality music (no offense to you guys). There's certainly some high quality music there to be find, but how can i find out about it? And to be honest, i can't be bothered... I admit, i love to see music videos and can like the song more if i see a video of it. Call me cheap, yea..
For instance Linkin Park, however you may call them, "Stupid MTV generation" band or whatever, they burst something in me, i get all full of adrenalin and really kicks in some emotions in me. So am i fool because of that? A cheap, low quality MTV boy?
Sorry, i had to get that out of me, and i am really coriuos to see what you guys think about all this...