Quote from pvdrift :
and as for the person who linked me to the scenes, thank you, but the link doesn't work, any ideas?

The link works. If not try the first part of the URL
ok, the link works but when i try to open the file in 3ds max i get this error

Import the 3ds file. The *.max files are for 3dmax 8. All you gotta do is recreate Brazil Materials for the rim. Take the materials from your scene as the base and tweak them to the rim. And dont ask every 5 minutes. Try yourself.
Quote from pvdrift :ok, sorry guys, and i dont know what my nickname has to do with anything. i chose it because i used to like drifting and thats when i chose it, but then when i registered here, i couldn't think of anything that went along with bmws and non-drifting and i figured that pvdrift rolls off of the tongue easily and i picked it

Your issue is you seem to fail to have any control over your own grey matter whatsoever, like the typical FnF-mad-tyte-y0! wanabee "drifter".

You've posted shitloads of useless questions over the past few days all because you can't be arsed to search for yourself. I made rendering a skin possible within 5 mins if you want to be super lazy or just want to get to grips with the easy stuff first, but alas.. you want to be Einstein without studying and expect everyone else to give you the answers :rolleyes:.. well here's one, '2 words, 3 Fs'

I seriously have no problem, helping people if I can with 3D stuff, hell, I've spent enough hours doing so so far.. but I won't help people who aren't prepared to help themselves.


some work in progress. a friend requested it.
Attached images
Quote from Ian.H :...I seriously have no problem, helping people if I can with 3D stuff, hell, I've spent enough hours doing so so far.. but I won't help people who aren't prepared to help themselves...

Can't agree more Ian! They should at least get to know the basic functions of the tools by reading the manual.
@dr.gonzo: extreme cool scene dude

the new design dudes hauler. comments and constructive criticism welcome

attachments have 2048x640

greetz caoz
Nice skin for that hauler. Looks very cool.

Here is a render of Iron_Maiden's new Honda F1 Skin.

PS @ Caoz: Die dämlichen F1 Felgen von RFactor sind für Max8. Blöd das ich nur Max7 hab. Kannst du mir die mal konvertieren? Und/Oder gleich bei "Scenes/Materials" posten. Danke.
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Haha.. whenever I see that car I always read the words on the rear wing as 'My Ear The Dream'
Great job. :)
looks good
My first render with a little touch of photoshop (levels and contrast)

Click for enlarge
Made this skin today after playing Toca Race Driver 2 and liking the design on one of the cars.
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Evostar FO8.jpg
Here is a first quick test render that I have just done to see my latest skin creation. Yes.. its the Honda 07 earth skin. It is still a work in progress as you can see from the render, some of the countries do not line up on certain parts of the car so that needs fixing.

Apart from that I think it is starting to take shape nicely..

Will also edit the scene slightly as the basic scene setups have way too much shine, horrible wheels and badly setup shadows! white floor is also horrible!

Attached images
Quote from Madman_CZ :Here is a first quick test render that I have just done to see my latest skin creation. Yes.. its the Honda 07 earth skin. It is still a work in progress as you can see from the render, some of the countries do not line up on certain parts of the car so that needs fixing.

Apart from that I think it is starting to take shape nicely..

Will also edit the scene slightly as the basic scene setups have way too much shine, horrible wheels and badly setup shadows! white floor is also horrible!


Peknej skin ke ho sezenu??
my new "WIP" xrt sport pick up,comments and constructive criticism welcome

attachments have 1280x1024

greetz caoz
Quote from C40Z :my new "WIP" xrt sport pick up,comments and constructive criticism welcome
greetz caoz

OMG your last "WIP" xrt job looks awesome.

Only one question from me:
When you will post your some xrt scenes for download?..

Sorry for my bad English.
Nice C4OZ. Something different. Looks cool.
Quote from C40Z :my new "WIP" xrt sport pick up,comments and constructive criticism welcome

greetz caoz

I see the work is coming along nicely!
great model!
thx guys for the nice comments

Quote from ChiKisT :OMG your last "WIP" xrt job looks awesome.

Only one question from me:
When you will post your some xrt scenes for download?..

i don´t know when,but i belief this year

here is also newest project from me and one of my mates "N30" the new xfr-dragster and thx 2 pdanev for the great skin

attachment have 1280x1024

greetz caoz

nice render
Quote from C40Z :my new "WIP" xrt sport pick up,comments and constructive criticism welcome

[CENTER]attachments have 1280x1024

On the rear view render, the '3M' logo is distorted, it seems like the mapping cordinates have been altered when you try to modify the model.
Quote from samyip :On the rear view render, the '3M' logo is distorted, it seems like the mapping cordinates have been altered when you try to modify the model.

That can happen, same thing happened to my UF1 Pickup, shouldn't be hard to fix.
These are just 2 random renders to see whether i could do it/it was working allright. Now attempting to make it better.
Attached images

3D LFS renders
(8243 posts, started )