pointing out the obvious ben? Try being a little more useful and giving blade some help instead of acting like a know-it-all. @ Blade, sounds like quite a good deal, give the bloke a call and ask him some info about the engine, condition etc. Then organise a meet up if your interested. Be very wary of any modifications, partiulary on the suspension, the soarer use's airbag suspension on some models, but like some hondas, it has adaptive shocks i.e, acts soft and gentle, then when you start chucking it round the corners, it hardens them up to give the car better handling. So look out for any suspension modifications. When you start the engine, listen to it at idle and listen out for a slight tappety noise. The engines in the soarers are common for loose cylinder heads, shafts etc so listen out for them. If its a turbo model, watch out for any smoke or oil coming from around there. during there production, there were alot of "cut and shut" soarers going about, and im not joking about this. So, when possible, open up all the door and pull back the rubbers and look for signs of a cut and shut like weld marks and other things. If possible, try to get the car onto a ramp and look underneath. Have a look at the exhaust and also, this is a better way to check out the suspension, so be sure to have a good look though them. Onto the interior, the interiors on these cars are very nicely laid out, although obviously, judging by its average age, the interior may be pretty worn. If this is the case and you want to replace the seats or get them re-fabricated, dont worry, this can be done for quite a low price. import specialists are usually a good place to begin looking for any replacement parts for the car. These cars have alot of electronics, so press every button you can

one more thing, these cars can come with 4-wheel steering, but these are incredibly rare. If this one DOES happen to be a 4-wheel steering model, simply put the car up on ramp jacks, and steer the car all the way to the left, go back and look at the rear wheels, it will be hard to tell, but they should be pointing in the opposite direction to the front by about an inch. Do the same but turn to the right.
i hope this has helped you mate