Gunn, I know we should be worried about it, because it's a common line of thinking, and if you just closely read the "patch X10" thread, and my pole's thread, and you will see that people for this option shows a point of view like: "this option will separate the simracers from the arcade racers"
That's not true, this option will separate the real harcore simracers and the other simracers, despite their skills not allowing the to race together.
Me for example, I'm a single seater driver, and I was thinking of finding time this year to get into a league for the BF1, but now I know that probably the leagues will have the fcv activated in the servers, so I will not be albe to participate, because I drive from a custom view right above the helmet (called T-bar view I think), and I just can't drive the BF1 from the default cockpit view. I can't be competitive (I'm not either way, but that's another story :razz

And the case is, admins think they will "ellite" the ligue by enabling this option, so they will probably do it... That's too bad for me, if that happens... So I hope it will be possible to costumise the views "within some limits"