The online racing simulator
Yeah it's nice being an LX4 specialist and finding yourself in a lousy 70-something place while nursing the blisters you got from so much autocrossing!
Quote from thisnameistaken :Yeah I had lowered the parallel steer on it, but I'd also totally screwed up the dampers due to being thick.

I wasn't "complaining", I was just trying to say it's not a magic bullet and the diff looks a bit nuts. It was nice to see some of the settings were similar to what I'd been working towards though (starting from Bob's set as a base), so that was reassuring. The main thing for me was that the diff settings didn't suit me at all but I always seem to be more fussy about the diff than any other setting on the car.

I was quite surprised that I didn't like it though because I've got an LX6 set you sent me a few months back that I use on loads of tracks, whereas some people's setups I just never like (*cough*kyDave).

Sorry, wasn't aiming that at you Kev, I mean the people on servers who don't ask politely like you did, just demand the setup while im driving or before my turn.
Quote from Bawbag :Funny how when I send out setups to people but they run much slower times the setup is "bogus".

Anyway, i've changed a couple of things since I sent it to you Kev, para steer has been turned right down and more rear brakes.

Think of it what you want, but i'm just sick of people demanding online that I waste my run to send them a setup, instead they can come here.

I wouldn't say the set was magical or has any secret to it, it does what I want it to do, so don't complain when you dislike it.

I tried your set and I found it weird, but when I went back to my set I realized it's flaws and changed some things, now I can do better times a lot easier, but still I don't understand how do you go that fast
Quote from thisnameistaken :Yeah it's nice being an LX4 specialist and finding yourself in a lousy 70-something place while nursing the blisters you got from so much autocrossing!

why dont you just do as i told you and bloddy tape your fingers
Quote from Shotglass :why dont you just do as i told you and bloddy tape your fingers

It's the inside bit of my thumbs, the bit that usually rests against your finger knuckle. I don't think tape would work very well because it's a joint.

I think I'll just take a day off instead.
Quote from thisnameistaken :It's the inside bit of my thumbs, the bit that usually rests against your finger knuckle. I don't think tape would work very well because it's a joint.

i know ... exactly where i had blisters before i started to tape them
its usually the joints where you need taping anyway

i suspect youve never been hiking ?
Quote from Shotglass :i suspect youve never been hiking ?

You're not supposed to pull yourself along with your thumbs dude.

I suppose gaffer tape might work, because it's cloth and totally sticky, but I really don't think a day off will do me any harm. Except I'll slip another 50 places probably.

Anyway I really ought to be in the pub right now, so back to work...
Quote from RiGun :but still I don't understand how do you go that fast

After watching the replay on the results site it's the going 1-5mph faster everywhere on the course that really adds up.
Quote from XtremDriver :If you talk about cones, I have a lot of replays with people hitting cones

It's called lag and it happens often when you do a fast lap as I done, because you drive very close to cones



I admire your thinking and how you went about developing this cheat, I'm still not 100% sure how you've done it but it does look intresting Ill have to play with some ideas later see If I can replicate it
is there a replay of phlos´ cheated run ?
Yeah I have a chunk of it.

Ill PM you the link later.
Dunno if this is the best place, but would make peoples life a tiny bit easier.

When youre given the 16 seconds to join message, any chance that clicking the button would make you join? I know its me being as lazy as hell, but still.
Is it possible to get a respectable lap time with 350ms+ ping?

Sometimes I feel I'm knocking over cones I didn't touch.. but it could be just my n00b driving
Why aren't the cones collisions managed client-side?
They are, aren't they? The penalties are often delayed which suggests that the server is busying catching up with you. If they were managed server-side then a crappy connection would let you skip loads of cones.
Ah thats probably it.

It usually happens on the first and second line of cones, so I've probably knocked over one and by the time I get penalised for it, im passing the next one
Yeah. Last night I was always hitting the last cone in the first slalom. The collision usually registered about half a second or so afterwards, by which point I was nowhere near any cones, but I knew exactly which one I'd hit. :doh:
Quote from DeKo :Dunno if this is the best place, but would make peoples life a tiny bit easier.

When youre given the 16 seconds to join message, any chance that clicking the button would make you join? I know its me being as lazy as hell, but still.

Shift J joins for you unless you didn't know, but it wouldn't surprise me because some Scots really are lazy b...'s.
Hahaha. It is NOT the setup. I have been tweaking my own for a while and managed a 1.15.23 or something. Today I get on and decide to try a different approach at it and ended up shaving a couple seconds off.

So, my advice is... Keep a tight line around everything and don't really worry about how fast you go through it.
It would be interesting to see in the table that how many "laps" each player has completed.
Quote from Iron :It would be interesting to see in the table that how many "laps" each player has completed.

Since we're starting the requests anyway... an online status indicator would be nice to have in the table too
If cone collisions are client-side, then ping doesn't matter and there should be nothing odd about the cones' behavior... I would wager the server's extrapolation, if collisions were server-side, would make for a lot more mistaken collisions.
Quote from skstibi :So, my advice is... Keep a tight line around everything and don't really worry about how fast you go through it.

Yeah, this is definitely the big compromise in autox! Do I take a wider entry and carry more speed, but giving up distance, or do I take the shorter line, carrying less speed? Unless you really have a straight stretch where exit speed is going to be crucial, I usually take a tighter line for most elements. Then I guess the last couple of seconds is just getting really close to the cones and being uber-skilled
Quote from Iron :It would be interesting to see in the table that how many "laps" each player has completed.

Back with the first test server Victor was running for this autocross script stuff last year it actually did show the number of attempts people had done. I'm sure they still track that, they just aren't showing it I bet some people have 500+ attempts already! and that's just counting the online attempts, not offline practice.

Which does actually lead into an interesting discussion: with an near infinite number of attempts allowed it almost isn't "autocross" any more. At real events everyone has as limited fixed number of attempts to get through the course, so the challenge isn't so much who is the fastest driver, but rather, who is the quickest to be the fastest. In US national level events people only get 3 attempts on a course. Imagine if you only had 3 shots at this course don't hit any cones! analyse the crap out of the course before taking a run! etc.

That would be fun to try, have an autocross server where the script only lets you get, say, 10 attempts, and has the save layout button disabled to prevent offline practice.
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