The online racing simulator
car crash aftermath, vauxhall vectra in farm field
hmm the pics didnt turn out right on this forum only the thumbs showed up


Pretty uninteresting car, pretty uninteresting crash
That's nothing. You should see what can be done with half a dozen drunk musicians, a van hired from "Rent-A-Wreck", and a quiet road with lots of lonely-looking road signs around a mountain with a river at the bottom.

It took us a whole month to get out of that town. I should really start work on the screenplay.
Looks like the owner was under the impression he had a decent car. Must have missed the Vauxhall logos on before attempting a corner.

Oh well, one less crap car on the road means more room for something fun!
This one is better...
Attached images
Its a Vauxhall looking a mess in a field...

... whats so abnormal about that?
tying to write prooper english lol. wierd.

Anywhoo... Considering this thread is still horribly on topic, how many of you guys have been in a car? During a crash. I haven't. Would like to though.

kuinkä voite tänään?

once, I nearly was permanantly disabled (unable to walk) but I got away unhurt
How about this one...

I was in the car following this tin-can, when it crashed...
Attached images
I been in two cars that flipped over, one mini, and one cavalier SRi at 80mph, both times walked away unhurt, and both times it was the same driver............not me BTW
#14 - J.B.
Quote from spankmeyer :
Anywhoo... Considering this thread is still horribly on topic, how many of you guys have been in a car? During a crash. I haven't. Would like to though.



It ain't fun. Basically you don't feel good at all ehile it's happening because you can't tell how the hell it's going to end up. Road cars are so crap in terms of deformation that even low speed impacts can do serious harm.
Crashing sucks.
none of this would of happened if reset was enabled
No, no, no.

Shift + S!!
I've been in a car that's gone through a hedge following brake failure, it was that or the back of a transit.

I think the best crash story I've heard from a friend has to be someone who stopped one of these by leaving tire shaped marks in the roofs of a row of parked cars when he realised he had no brakes going down a hill at top speed (25mph), which must have been almost as scary as the fuel consumption
I learnt that you don't have to feel tired to be tired. I blinked for too long driving home and came to with a kerb in front of me going at 50mph. I knew it was too late to miss the kerb, so I prepared for the impact and got myself ready to pull off the road. I hit the kerb and popped both my right hand tyres.

As I was pulling off to the side, I wondered why there were so many cars driving towards me. I'd just spent 2 weeks in North America, so in my shocked state I assumed that I should be driving on the right hand side of the road. I avoided all the cars coming towards me and managed to pull into a side road.

When I hit the kerb, my mum (who was in the passenger seat) woke up. She said "What just happened?!", my reply? "Oh, nothing, I'm just on the wrong side of the road"

I actually think the amount of time I spend being wrecked in LFS prepared me to react to the situation and avoid the cars with my exploded wheels.

I bought some new wheels for £5 each from the scrapyard. But something inside is bent, as the wheel now points slightly left when I'm driving straight.
Quote from spookthehamster :But something inside is bent, as the wheel now points slightly left when I'm driving straight.

Front wheel, or rear wheel?
I thought all cars had slightly off centre steering? My steering wheel points slightly right in a straight line.
Quote from wheel4hummer :Front wheel, or rear wheel?

Front, the front right wheel took pretty much all the impact. Considering it was also turned slightly to the left at the time of the impact I can only assume I've bent something.
Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :My sister was in the passenger seat in front of me, with the seat pushed back and her feet on the dashboard. I nutted the headrest hard, whilst she injured her shins badly

I thought about something like that once when I was in the front of a friends car. I have rather long legs so for me to get comfortable I had my knees resting on the dash when I had a flash of a crash test (I had been looking at Euro NCAP a few days before). I have never sat like that again because if we did crash I'd have lost my knees, and most probably me legs, and if I was in a car with air bags it would have most probably killed me.

Also, I forgot to quote it and I'm too lazy to quote it. Morons and arse holes never get hurt and never die. It is always bystanders and people who have no control over what is happening.
Quote from TiJay :I thought all cars had slightly off centre steering? My steering wheel points slightly right in a straight line.

Every car i have driven has the steering set up dead centre so it sounds like your tracking is off a little. Take it to a garage (specifically somewhere like kwik-fit, tyre sales) and get them to give the tracking a look over. If it is off, it only cost's about £25-35