It's not that hard, really. Did you even try? Everything's commented and if you can read you should be able to figure it out. For exemple to disable a given function, you just have to replace true with false in one place. So don't decide that you won't be able to do it before trying, and if you have specific questions when you do try, we'll be happy to answer them.

@ Gai-Luron: a couple of notes:
- I couldn't get it to load correctly when I had an admin password in LFS (and of course the matching password in the cfg file). InSim kept complaining at launch that the passwords didn't match. I had to remove the password from both places to get it to work. I've experienced the same problem with several other InSim apps, so I don't know if the bug is in those apps, in LFS, or in my config.
- It'd be cool to have a hotkey to hide all the buttons. For example when I'm in the lobby, each time someone talks in TeamSpeak the button showing their name appears (as expected) which leads the grid and the connections list to be hidden. Being able to temporarily turn the buttons display off would be very handy, here.
- Are you considering adding other functions to LFSRelax? I have some ideas.

Thanks again!