u also said earlier that i know little about aturbos,
turbos are quite basic
got intake part (pulling air and forcing it)
exhust part in from exhust manifold and a out to normal exhust
a waste-gate limiting exhust flow through turbo to limit boost
a compressor wheel with sevral spindals on it which do the magic,
a axial roller bearing on most taking axial force from pressure giving long bearing life,
oil line in running from sump using compressor pressure to drive oil through lines to lubricate wheel
oil line return to sump or in somecases to with t'd lines under pressure
dude iv studyied turbocharing system and externaly boost delivered supercharges i.e not roots blowers (if u retards know wat i mean, prolly not as ur information comes from grantursmo)
man ur a jerk
really, u are,
words cant describe how much u annoy me dude with ur know-it-all attitude, jsust from u talking crap over the internet, seriously no-ones every made me quite this angry
even a guy who ran my cat over on purpose, dude ......i...thats all i gota say,
i cant keep up with u yea u win watever, i cant be ****ed with ur shit,
u know to much , u win , watever, all il say is, we could of had some -non-beef conversations expressing ideas and talking about performance, but now i know wat ur like, , a jerk, man,,,,i can bearly even speak now man,, shit ,,, i... ,peace