The online racing simulator
LX Month - autox competition Week 3
The final competition week (nr. 3) of the LX Month autox competition has begun.
This week a Logitech G25 steering wheel and shifter will be given to the winner!

The same 4 competition hosts are awaiting your arrival again

Good luck!

(competition website : )
Here we go again ! Good luck guys
Maybe I should dare to enter this time. The rounds before I didn`t even entered... teh shame
Bring on the Auto-x
Go get 'em again, Jason!
Good luck to all, ii can't wait to see the new autox track.
There is something that make me 'laugth' in a way about the price of the week3 LX Month challenge. It's that this week you can win a wonderfull wheel, wich evrybody would kill to have. But we all knows that's a wheel owner who will win this wheel. Never a mouse owner would be able to win it Even if there is some great mouse racers.

I just wanted to notice that even if i know that there is nothing to do but work hard to try to demontrate that i'm wrong, at least i hope

Note to support my words: Week1, 1st mouse driver: 49th place, Week 2: 66th place ... It's gonna be hard
I can't connect to any of the competition hosts. When I hold my mouse curser over a host link a small window pops up that says "You need LFS Join for this link to work". What is "LFS Join"? And where do I get it?

I would greatly appreciate any help.
LFS Join is a 3rd party program which enables you to join LFS servers outside of the game (via the link you saw there).

Here you can download the app
Quote from Victor :
This week a Logitech G25 steering wheel and shifter

So which one of you kept the pedals?
For Glenn and anyone else who wants to download the layout.
Attached files
AU1_AutoXWeek3.lyt - 2.8 KB - 282 views
Quote :we all knows that's a wheel owner who will win this wheel

Yeah but they could sell it off as new. Or offload their old worn G25 at a nice discounted price to someone here in the forum..
Or keep it?

Not all of us are lucky enough to afford one never mind actually buy one, so I know I sure as hell would keep it.
This is looking very close indeed, a fight till the end. Cant wait to see who wins it, Not me not good enough to compete against u guys just yet
#16 - FM67
Hi, I leave one lap to layout of 1.19.9x for any one who wants to see the line of race.
It's not very good but it's sufficient to see how go

sry 4 my english :-)
Attached files
nism• FM_AU1_LX4_FINAL.spr - 77.3 KB - 315 views
Quote from FM67 :Hi, I leave one lap to layout of 1.19.9x for any one who wants to see the line of race.
It's not very good but it's sufficient to see how go

sry 4 my english :-)

Pretty darn good run any chance you can post setup?
Quote from FM67 :Hi, I leave one lap to layout of 1.19.9x for any one who wants to see the line of race.
It's not very good but it's sufficient to see how go

sry 4 my english :-)

Thanks alot. Reppoh's replay helped me learn alot last time.

Question for the fast guys:
When you are driving and come through a split say .1-.2(not much) slower than usual, do you know where you lost it?
#19 - ev0
Quote from Kelvjy :Pretty darn good run any chance you can post setup?

What would a demo racer do with an LX setup?
#20 - Jakg
Quote from Shinomori :Question for the fast guys:
When you are driving and come through a split say .1-.2(not much) slower than usual, do you know where you lost it?

I'm not that fast, but yes, usually i know i've "lost" time by looking at the way i take the corners, but on coming to a split i see just how much it cost me.
Quote from ev0 :What would a demo racer do with an LX setup?

I'm using my brothers account
I'm having a deja vu again...

And not only that, I can almost predict what the next question is going to be...

I am Neo and the Oracle at the same time
Quote from Jakg :I'm not that fast, but yes, usually i know i've "lost" time by looking at the way i take the corners, but on coming to a split i see just how much it cost me.

I kinda figured as much.
I find when I'm driving for example I'll do a run and it will feel good and I'll get say 19.5 at the first split. Then my next one will also feel good and it will be a 20.4 or something. :wtf2: And I really have no idea what the difference was(And I know that that means I really have no idea what I'm doing).

I was watching bawbag run the other day and he was doing say 18.3, then 18.4, then 18.2, etc. And I was kinda wondering if he could tell the difference before he hit the split with that small a time difference.
#24 - Jakg
you just get used to how the car feels - ie i've just come from FE1R/XRG, where kerb hopping is essential, i can feel if the car has "bounced" too much or whether i've drifted on the exit - ideally i kiss the kerb and the while gives a tiny motion through the wheel and keeping the wheel turning (but not that much) so the rear wheels and front wheels are slightly slipping.

EDIT - When i was on the hunt for a WR at SO1R/FO8, i could tell the difference between 114 MPH and 118 MPH quite easily with the tone of the engine as well and "predict" my splits
Quote from Jakg :you just get used to how the car feels - ie i've just come from FE1R/XRG, where kerb hopping is essential,

There's not a lot of feedback to be had on the autocross circuit. The only feedback you'll get is in response to your own inputs, unless you hit a cone of course, in which case you'll probably be well aware that your split time is going to suck.