The online racing simulator
Analog Gauges v 1.0
(211 posts, started )
Analog Gauges v 1.0
So, here´s the first final version.
Just unpack into your LFS Folder.
Read the How to install and uninstall.rtf for further information.
If you want to make something by your own read the How to make own Gauges.doc.

If you made any gauges and want to keep it please make a backup before unpacking.

It comes with Gauges for all cars. Most of them are painted by screama. (thx for that).
One (the FXR) is made by myself. It demonstrate what is possible when you use percentage instead of pixel. The Gauges are at the same place with any resolution. I put everything in it. Gauges and digital. Please have a look at the gauges.ini in gaugesFXR Folder. It shows the last stand and how it should be.

Hope you enjoy it. about 5 MB

***Bugfix: If the Gauges not fit together please download an unpack this Zip to your LFS Folder***
Attached files - 198.1 KB - 9247 views
wow nice
Die Anzeigen für Turbo/Fuel und die Shift/Speed/TC-Lights sind aber nich richtig positioniert, oder?
Quote from screama :Die Anzeigen für Turbo/Fuel und die Shift/Speed/TC-Lights sind aber nich richtig positioniert, oder?

Bei was? Falls du meine Anzeigen benutzt mußt du auch unbedingt die d3d8.dll aus dem Pack holen.
Quote from riskredruM :Bei was? Falls du meine Anzeigen benutzt mußt du auch unbedingt die d3d8.dll aus dem Pack holen.

Benutz ich auch. Die Turbo/Fuel-Anzeigen sind zB nicht mehr in der Mitte der Tachoscheiben sondern unten rechts. Genauso wie das Shift-Licht. Is ausserhalb der Tachos.

In der gauges.ini ises aber genauso noch drin. Wieder die Probleme wie vorn paar Wochen mit den Prozentkram
Quote from screama :Benutz ich auch. Die Turbo/Fuel-Anzeigen sind zB nicht mehr in der Mitte der Tachoscheiben sondern unten rechts. Genauso wie das Shift-Licht. Is ausserhalb der Tachos.

In der gauges.ini ises aber genauso noch drin. Wieder die Probleme wie vorn paar Wochen mit den Prozentkram

Bei allen oder nur bei meiner ??
Bei allen ausser deiner... einfach so umstellen auf Prozent geht glaub auch kaum
Quote from screama :Bei allen ausser deiner... einfach so umstellen auf Prozent geht glaub auch kaum

Update see....first post. Tomorrow I will update the download Pack for future Downloads.
Gauge paradise !
Fantastic tool, thanks Riskedrum, thanks Screama ! It's a real pleasure to use it . . .
Thanks for your teaching skills, it's perfect !
(obsolum) DELETED by obsolum
Now everything works fine for me!

The XRR has no turbo-meter

Rename the "GaugesFXR_screama" Folder to GaugesXRR (and delete the old one) and everything is fine
Bug ?

Wenn ich das Speed-o-Meter auf background.tga ändere (Speed aufsteigend von links nach rechts), die Position ändere und dann mit Strg+Pos1 speichere wird das Speed-o-Meter wieder auf aufsteigend von rechts nach links zurückgesetzt (kmh.tga).

Wie lässt sich das umgehen?
Attached images
nice, me likey
Thanks a lot, great work
nice work man!
Quote from screama :Pics!

That looks sexy.

I even said WOW.

Just tried them out - they're beautiful - I think you should contact Scawen to use these dials for real I think they're ultra sexy. Its a shame they dont integrate so well into the cockpit, as this would certainly revive LFS for me!!!

8/10 For the function and use
10/10 For visual styling
does this not work with patch V?
Another quick one for UF1, theres are some variants I m still working with: a with black faced gauges and a semi-transparent one.

No shiftlight, no fuel warning yet.

Enjoy, & please report any trouble.

I m still going on the work, 1st pack soon.

Edit: 1st small update, all turbocharged models, more variants, & more cars support soon.

edit2: the white-faced UF1 set is already included in the main pack#1
Attached images
Attached files
GaugesUF1 #1_white face.rar - 105.5 KB - 1581 views
Gauges GAS_pack1.rar - 891.7 KB - 1876 views
Quote from Loverboy :does this not work with patch V?

Normaly not.
But you can give it a try.

Change the last lines in your cfg.txt to this

OutGauge Mode 2
OutGauge Delay 1
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 30000
OutGauge ID 0

and delete the insim=29999 in your shortcut.

Please tell me if it works.

Ive had a few issues with the Gauges today, they often disappeared when I entered spectator mode in single player. And the only way I could return them was to restart LFS - so is this something out of your control or can it be fixed?

Thanks again, awesome stuff.
Will there be support for MPH instead of KPH?
Now where is this "d3d8.dll" located? :S
Quote from theycallmeebryan :Will there be support for MPH instead of KPH?

That option is already available if you look in your Gauges folder for the car you want, open the Gauges.ini and under Speed change typ=1 to typ=0 - It still uses the KPH clock but it ticks in MPH

Lpe_91 : Its in the zip folder you downloaded, all you need todo is extract it to the LFS main folder (i.e: C:\Program Files\LFS\ - or whatever your LFS path is)
Quote from screama :Pics!

genau das meinte ich.. ich benutze beim XFG das speed-o-meter von links nach rechts aufsteigend.. wenn ich das dann so abspeicher wird das speed-o-meter beim laden der settings automatisch auf von rechts nach links aufsteigend umgestellt..

Analog Gauges v 1.0
(211 posts, started )