I just don't understand this irrate flaming of others over a particular motorsport that someone chooses to enjoy watching. I don't care if you watch NASCAR, F1, BTCC, Grand Am, V8 Supercars, or even Amish buggy racing, I'm not going to flat out flame you or the sport series. Every time people start this, they post opinion as fact.
Fact: Oval racing and NASCAR racing is not a bunch of cars driving around and around in a circle. The fact is that there is an incredible amount of
action on the track between the cars. There's bumping, there's grinding, there's a guy getting a great run off the corner on someone else only for him to have to back off because there's already someone there. It's a mental strategy game, as well as an endurance game with having to make it 500 miles in the intense heat. Knowing that car #39 needs to place his nose underneath the #27 car at the right time to make a pass rather than just diving in and braking late, shows the mental strategy of the game. It's not just chilling out and lapping around and around and around.
I don't care to watch F1. I can't get into it. To me, F1 and the single line train that I see is the same as the toilet bowl floater spinning around and around that you see in NASCAR. But I'm not going to flame F1 or you for watching F1.
To me, F1 is too technically advanced for a good show of racing. NASCAR is designed for non-technical machines, ie, live axles, carburated bohemith pushrod V8 engines, etc to give an even field between the cars making the driver more involved in the race rather than this team having a better traction control curve than that team (I know, they don't use TC in F1, or do they? I really don't know :shrug

. There is no electronic gimacky systems onboard NASCAR racecars telling the driver all about his car and how many laps he has left in fuel or whatever that electronic crap displays for F1. For fuel, they weigh the fuel going in, and weigh the fuel to top it back off during pitstops to manually calculate how they are doing on fuel usage. It makes it more exciting and better for the spectator knowing that they have no fuel gauge and must rely on fuel pressure only to determine if they are going to make it to the end. No electronics telling them they are using 4.3 liters of fuel per lap and they have 4.6 liters left so they'd better pit.
It would be quite easy for NASCAR to change to be more like F1 if they wanted to. They could put advanced modern technological engines in the cars so that they didn't have to worry when they are hitting 10,000 RPMs that the engine is going to give way. They could have the tires designed more to give extreme grip compared to how they design them now, which is for the door to door racing. They could very easily put traction control, and engine limiters, and braking assist and all that other technologically advanced stuff on the cars if they wanted to. Now we're talking boring. Now we are pitting car against car rather than driver against driver.
Please just stop with all this flaming. It happens every time NASCAR comes up in a topic. Your posts of "they just go round and round in a circle and it's boring, you are an idiot for watching that.." is nothing but your opinion and is entirely false. The fact is, it is so much more than just driving "round and round" in a circle.
Aaarrrggghhh..... Why do I always end up reading all this crap and flaming when it inevitably comes in these threads.......