The online racing simulator
05X10 OOS errrors with spr's I just made.
I'm getting an OOS error when attempting to watch some replays I just made using 05X10. There are 5 replays in total.
I know that some of these errors have been reported before, but were mainly from downloaded sprs.

The sequence of events after I have saved the replay is:
  • Select replay to load.
  • The track loads up (if it needs to).
  • Grey-ish screen appears with messages 'Can't load skin: xxxx' even though the skins do exist. (refer Screen1)
  • Grey-ish screen will hang there until I escape out of the replay.
  • Playing around a bit, I hit Shift+U and now could see the 'OOS Error' (referscreen2). I can't move at all in the Shit+U screen.
  • In some of the replays, I can see cars etc after hitting shift+u, and notice that of the skins on the cars have not loaded. (refer screen 4)
  • I have also attached one of the replays if that helps at all.
The problem also occurred a couple of weeks ago but seemed to go away, so I didn't worry about it.
I'm suspecting it's related to not being able to load the skins for some reason, but that's only a guess...
Any ideas?
Attached images
hehe look at the "test drive" it seems that your Ai's have a problem running the race.
the replay wouldn't start for me either, i had the same "skin" problems but in the test drive they were mostly on the cars.
Attached files
Test Drive_BL1_FZR.spr - 63.9 KB - 239 views
Hehe, they went for a bit after you gave them a push start.
The AI was good* in the race from the bad replay, so I don't know why they would be stationary for the test drive.

*well, as good as the AI gets anyway
I've been experimenting.
The plot thickens...
3 replays are attached.
Does not work. Get message "can't load skin XFR_Pelican' among others, and the OOS error.
XFR_Pelican was my skin. I started a new race, but took myself out, so there were only AI racers left with an assortment of other skins. I let them race for a bit and saved Replay 2.

Replay works fine.
I then started a new race and put myself back in with the XFR_Pelican again, raced a bit and produced Replay 3

Works, but get this. My XFR_Pelican skin appears for one of the AI guys, and I get his skin!

I'm confused, but maybe there's something wrong with the way skins are loaded to memory for the AI?
Attached files
Replay1.spr - 203.8 KB - 260 views
Replay2.spr - 138.4 KB - 194 views
Replay3.spr - 167.4 KB - 196 views
#6 - arco
Something is probably corrupting the replays when they are saved. Do a memory and harddisk test to see if there's something wrong there. You might also try with a clean install of LFS to see if that helps.
Thanks for the advise, but this isn't a hardware issue.
Memory test came up fine. I also ran LFS from a different physical disk and had exactly the same result.