I was taught to metric system since childhood, and nobody had to deal with imperial until the beginning of 1990s when we've got a wave of information from the US. For example, on TV, good translators do convert miles, feet, Fahrenheits into kilometers, meters, Celsius, but usually they don't. Needless to speak about computer games: in some of them there are only mph. For 10 years i've learned to convert roughly mph into kph, feet in meters, gallons in litres in my mind, but Fahrenheit degrees and other weird values like miles per gallon, lbs, lb/ft, don't say anything to me.
I also have to deal with nautical miles in MSFS. They didn't make a good switch to metric system: whatever system you select in options window, nm are always used in GPS, ATC tells you the american altimeter instead of QNH, and so on. Why in the world the Europe has followed the american measurement system in aviation?! What was the problem to oblige them to make it compatible with metric?! Of course, now with so many aircrafts in use it's impossible to change the historically formed system, and the questions are rhetorical.