If you can do the final rally school lesson in under 1:20 you're better than I am. It took me a couple of dozen attempts when I first got RBR, and now I've reinstalled it I can't get under 1:22!
ConstantForceMultiplier = -60
Depth = 32
ForceFeedback = false
Fullscreen = false
MinDepthBits = 24
MinStencilBits = 8
ParticleQuality = high
RenderCarShadow = true
RenderQuality = medium
RunIntro = false
RunStartup = false
Sound = true
UseCubicEnvironmentMaps = true
UseEAX = false
UseSoftwareAudio = true
UseTripleScreenBuffers = false
WaitRetrace = true
XRes = 800
YRes = 600