Hmmm.... check this site out, the picture I linked to is in the 10th row of images with this - "A 1966 'Delta' by Frank Tippen Ltd. and the aluminium Invacar Model 57 which was available only in blue with a petrol engine" under it. I found out the other car was the Tippen Delta so the one I linked to must be the Invacar 57?
Also, the car is almost exactly like the image you have. The only thing I could see different was the indicators under the headlights, everything else matches. And I get that pic when I google Invacar 57.
Anyway, it was an Invacar. Just not the right model.
BTW, Just noticed on that site above the pic I'm on about, it has the Invacar Model 67 'Acedes' which does have the indicators but the bonnet looks different and it has a front bumper, which yours doesn't.
Easy? That could be any 4 door car, no distinctive lines or shapes. It looks like late 90's but I could be wrong there, I'll have a quick look now and wait for another pic.
BTW, try to save the pic as a .jpg/.jpeg or something like that so we don't have to download the pic to see it.