hey watchout for this guy named canibalman, hes a hacker/kamikaze in the game, he your within sight of the man, and more people are, he hits his H4KZ0Rs button and everyone near him dies as if a grenade went off... except he kills like 20 people rather than.. 1 maybe 2
The new version really put me off. Stopped playing it now. It's quite crap tbh... I cannot understand why anyone would pay Premium for it. So buggy now, and if I were to choose from the previous or this new version to buy "premium", I'd have chosen the old version.
That was a really fun game to play with friends :up:
O RLY? [insert owl here] It's going to have be pretty special.
If it's better than a bunch of drunken gits playing paintball in the middle of the scrub on a hot February afternoon on South Australia's south coast (and then needing further rapid fluid intake), I'll buy it In fact, if it's anything (and I mean anything) like most of the dozens of FPSs I've played lately (I've been playing them since Wolfenstein 3D, which came out when you were two), I'll send this bloke after you for telling fibs
played it for 2 days and found out ppl could kill me with a knife while standing over the other side of the map :P
so i stopped as it was just hackers with small brains